Chapter 2

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~Sage's P.O.V~

"Come on Sage, it can't be that bad." my mother argued. "Whatever mom. Im going for a run." I say before slamming the front door.

I hated that my parents got a divorce, but most of all I hated that my mom decided to move across the state. Why did she have to drag me with her? Especially in the middle of my junior year. I can't wait till I turn eighteen and go to college. Finally i'll be free and can move wherever I want.

As I said before my mom moved us across the state. This meant giving up my life in the mountains for the beach. It's every girls dream right? Well not mine. I didn't want any part of the beach. I say that now but i'm sure i'll end up loving it.

Usually I would run for fun and to keep in shape back home; now it seems to be a way for me to escape the problems I may be facing. You would think running on the beach would be easier than running in the mountains. But let me tell you that uneven sand sure does make it difficult to run. I better get used to it since this will be my new home for the rest of my high school years.

Everyday that I spend running on the beach it grows on me. It was pretty relaxing I have to say. If you go early in the morning it's not too hot and there is a light breeze that comes off the water ever so often. Sometimes you'll even get sprayed with salt water. Not to mention the wonders it was doing to my nonexsistent tan.

Enough about running on the beach. After only a few days of living here, I heard this town had a group of bad boys. Oh great my mom just had to pick a place with obnoxious teenage boys. I know pretty much all teenage boys are obnoxious. But hell, these guys were known for being bad boys in the entire town! That's screaming trouble.

Praying I never have to encounter these so called "bad boys" when I start school. I have my fingers crossed that they won't be attending the same school as me, but with my luck they'll attend the same school and be in every one of my classes.

After running for about 30 minutes, I decided to lay out for a little while. I've never really been to the beach before so I have to admit it was pretty cool. No wonder so many people took off a week to come here every year. I made a mental note to make sure I never told my mother this; there was no need to tell her how much I was enjoying it here. Even if it was just a little bit.

It was around 1pm when I finally got up and headed home. Hoping to go past my mom unoticed, I rushed to the shower. Nothings better than a hot shower when you're stressed; or anytime really. Sadly the warm shower had to come to an end. Almost immediately after leaving the bathroom, my mother calls me name. Oh goodie what does she want now I think to myself.

"Sage you start at your new school Monday. Avon High to be exact."

"Great. Now can I go back to my room?" I say with annoyance. I really did not want to think about school.

"Not so fast. I want you to pick some stuff up from the store. Oh and here's some money for a new outfit for your first day."

"Seriously?" I question my mom. "Yes Sage, I'm serious. Now please go to the store."

Taking the money she handed me I took off for the mall. This was probably just another attempt to try to make me like it here. But honestly I didn't mind it. Usually I would refuse her offer just to make her mad, but let's me honest I've gotta look cute for my first day. To my dismay, everything had a surfer vibe which was not my look. I know we are by the beach but that doesn't mean we all have to dress like a surfer. Thank god I found a Forever 21. I was just about to give up hope.

Finally finding an outfit I liked after trying on a thousand different things, I headed to the grocery store picking up the few items my mother asked me to pick up. Knowing I've been giving her a really hard time about us moving, I bought her some chocolate. Hopefully she will forgive me for all the shit I've said.

Now I just got to get through starting a new school without killing someone.

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