Chapter 30

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~Pierson's P.O.V~
Finally the longest four years of my life were finally over. I've never been so relieved in my life. The only thing is I don't have my Sage like I pictured I would when this day came.

After we threw our caps in the air I made my way towards my mom to give her a hug. She had tears rolling down her face telling me how proud she was of me and that she can't believe I'm growing up so fast. Next thing you know Chad is running at me full speed. Before I could do anything he had tackled me to the ground.

"What the hell man!"

Chad pulls me back to my feet and then starts to ramble on about something.

"Woah, Chad slow down what's wrong?"

"Sage. Sage is leaving you got to go stop her. It's your last chance." He said between breaths.

Without thinking I ran to the parking lot in search of her car. From the corner of my eye I could saw her car about to pull out the parking lot. Quickly grabbing my keys while weaving through the parking lot to get my car. This time I won't let her go no matter what she says. Hell I'll even stay wherever she ends up just for her to let me explain. There's no doubt I still love this girl to death.

If only I hadn't been so stupid as to let my old ways get the best of me. We were in love and I fucked up; how the hell will I ever win her back?

It didn't take long to catch up with her it was just a matter of getting her to stop and talk to me. She hasn't realized yet that I'm behind her. So while keeping my eyes on the road I wiggle my phone of my pocket and dial her number. It took a few rings but she finally answered.

"Hello?" She says with confusion she must have not looked at the caller ID.

"Sage! Please pull over I need to talk to you."

"Ugh. Pierson I really don't have time for this right now. I'm leaving and I probably won't be coming back. You hurt me and it's time for me to move on."

"Come on Sage. Just give me five minutes that's all I need. If you still hate me then I'll let you go and never bother you again." Even as I said these words I knew it was a lie but I know if that's what she really wanted then I would do it.

"Fine. Meet me at the gas station just up the road." And with that she hung up.

It didn't take long to get to the gas station and park. But what did take long was getting Sage to talk to me. As soon as she parked and went inside without bothering to stop and talk to me first.

I get that she's mad but come on I don't I have much time before I lose her completely. She takes a long time deciding what to purchase then once she's bought her things I swear she was trying to hide out in the bathroom.

It took a good fifteen minutes before I coaxed her out of the bathroom so she would finally talk to me.

"Okay fine, what do you want now? Haven't you hurt me enough Pierson?" She spits out.

"Look Sage all I want to do explain myself. That's it just please hear me out okay?" All she does is give me is a shrug.

"Okay so I know you're very unhappy with me and I get that. But I honestly never meant to hurt you like that. I'm not sure why if did what I did. It was dirty, cruel, and out right stupid for me to do."

"You got that right." She says while rolling her eyes.

Ignoring her comment I continue my little speech in hopes she would hear me out.

" I know you'll probably never forgive me for what I've done. I wouldn't either but I want you to know that'll never stop loving you. I had something great and I blew it. I regret every second of it. So please just please consider there being an us again. Think about how great we were together. We were happy, I miss that."

"Look Pierson I get that you're sorry but sorry doesn't fix what you've done. You're all I had and then I found out you were going out behind my back with another girl. Right now I don't think I can forgive you nor do I want you in my life quite frankly. You were my first love and I'll never forget that but I gotta go now and do things on my own. Goodbye Pierson."

And with that she kisses my cheek before getting into her car leaving me and everything else behind.


Hey guys! So I finally finished The Bad Boys of Avon. Wow. Honestly this is so crazy I didn't expect this book to get as many reads as it did and I can't thank you guys enough!

Also I'm not sure if ill be doing a sequel to this or not yet all I know is it would be a while before I started one :D

Another thing is I will be starting a new story probably a fan fic to be exact, so be on the look out for that.

I would like to give a big thank you to @-LilyP-
For being the only person I know of that read this book from start to finish. You honestly are so amazing and are the main reason why I continued to write this story.

And thank you everyone who is had read/voted on this story it truly does mean a lot to me. xx

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