Chapter 9

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~Sage's P.O.V~

It was Friday night and my mother was not home as usual. I didn't have any plans since im new so no ones really invited me places. I havent talked to Pierson since Tuesday when he dropped me off at my house. He left so sudden it caught me by surprise.

Flipping through the channels trying to find something decent to watch. I settled for the show Friends. Friends had to be one of my absolute favorite shows of all time. It always came on at night so that meant I usually end up falling asleep to it. Wearing my favorite plaid pajama pants and my hair in a messy bun, I curled up in a ball on the couch. I have to admit this Friday night was pretty boring in a nice kind of way. Sadly my mother never goes to the store so there was absolutely no food in this house. If I was any other teen I would have just ordered pizza but being the picky eater that I am I hate it. I know I know who hates pizza? Obviously there is something wrong with me.

All of a sudden someone is ringing the doorbell really fast putting me in shock. Who the hell would be here at 8 at night? It would be normal if I had lived here most my life and actually knew someone that could possibly come over. Debating whether or not I should open the door, I decided I might as well. I dont think they would have stop ringing it if I haven't open the door.

I was shocked at who was standing in front of me. It was no other than Pierson. But who cares about Pierson. What was more important was the food he was holding on to. The smell was just mouth watering and I couldn't help but hope he brought that food for me. Letting him in he sat down on the couch placing the food on the coffee table. The scent was starting to make my tummy growl announcing it was hungry.

"I brought you some dinner... I figured your mom wouldn't be home." He said scratching the back of his neck. Yes! The food was for me. Thank god it smelled so good it was torture. "Uh thanks"

"So um whyd ya run off tuesday?" I asked him hesitantly. He rubbed the back of his neck again before running his hand through his hair. That must be a nervous habit of his or something. I sat there staring at him waiting for his answer until I realized I probably wasnt going to get one. Grabbing the food and walking to the kitchen, I spilt it in half putting it on two plates. Carring it back to the living room to where Pierson was sitting. I watched him as he had gotten up and was looking at the pictures of me and my mom hugging when I was 11. We looked so happy in that picture like everything in the world was okay. Little did I know my was actually very unhappy. I suppose I should have known when my parents slowly stopped talking to each other as often. Now look at us, we never talked other than when she needed me to do something for her.

Clearing my throat to catch his attention he quickly turned around. His eyes going to the food in my hands. "I figured we could share." I stated before going to sit on the couch with Pierson in tow behind me. We ate in silence for a few minutes before he spoke.

"So how's Avon treating you so far?"

"Pretty crappy to be honest. Never see my mom and no one here seems to like me." I trailed off. "Anyways why are you here?" My question came out little more harsh than I planned.

"What a guy can't bring a pretty girl some dinner?" He said with a smirk.
"You're a totally player you know that?"

"So I've been told." And with that we were in another moment of silence. As expected it was an awkward silence. I couldn't wait for it to be over but I surely wasn't going to be the one to break it. After finishing his plate of food he finally spoke. "So what time does your mom usually come back home?"

"Uh I dont know im usually asleep by the time she comes home. So pretty late." 

"Ah that must suck. Moving to a new place not really having anyone to spend time with." rubbing the back of his neck for what seemed to be the thousandth time since hes been here. It had to be a habit of his when a situation got awkward or something. 

"Yuppp" I said poping the p. As soon as the word left my mouth he came back with a smart reponse. Typical player thing to do. "Well then i'll just have to keep you company, now won't I?" 

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