Chapter 23

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~Pierson's P.O.V~

I couldn't believe my ears when Sage said she wasn't upset with me. Honestly I was a little pissed she wasn't made at me. She had every right to be angry with me yet she wasn't. I suppose the way we both reacted was not normal. But you know what we aren't like most people in this world. We always seem to do the opposite of what everyone else does. That's not a bad thing though, in a way it makes things fun.

Both of us being this way it almost seems like we are meant to be together. The next thing I know i'm pulling Sage close to me and I kiss her. At first she was caught off guard, then she startred kissing me back. This sounds so cheesy and everyone says this but that had to be the best kiss ive ever had. 

When we parted we just looked at each other with goofy smiles across our faces. Thats when I realized I wanted to be with her for a long time. Being dumb as I am; I couldn't wait and ask her out romantically. Instead I just asked her right then and there to be my girlfriend. 

She just grabed the back of my neck pulling my down to her level so she could kiss me again. I guess that was a yes. Either way I was taking that as a yes. It was nice to finally be able to call her mine. Out of the arms of all the annoying guys that had a crush on her at school. 

I know in her journal she wrote how everyone hated her here; she couldn't be anymore wrong. Infact most of the people at school wanted to become her friend but were too shy to talk to her. Plus I may have threated a few guys that talked about asking her out. Anything to keep her safe. Well that was part of it the other part was me being jealous. 

My next plan was to try and fix her. Whatever she needed I'd be there for her to pick up the pieces. I could tell from her journal just how sad she is. Maybe I could convince her to come to thearpy with me. I'm sure she never knew I had to go to thearpy to deal with some of my own shit. No one really knew because I never told anyone. Never felt like I needed to. 

But for right now I just wanted to make sure she was happy and hold her in my arms enjoying the time we had left to spend together. 


It's been about a month since I asked Sage out. Thankfully we haven't had any fights yet. Infact we have gotten a lot closer in this past month. She seemed to be a little happier but I still wanted to ask her if she wanted to go to thearpy with me. It truly does help you out in the long run. I've been wanting to ask her for a while now but I know she will want to know why I'm going and I don't know if im ready for that yet. Therefore I will be pushing that off a little bit longer. 

Now as for Chad and the boys, we have all settled down. Well everyone except Kian, he still as wild as ever. Probably because no girl has been able to calm him down. All the other boys have found someone they either are interested in or are dating someone. It's unusal for almost all of us to have a girlfriend around the same time but I guess things change. Time changes everything. Sometimes for the better and I have to say that this change was for sure for the better. We all have managed to stop breaking the law, for now anyway. 

But this may be because we don't hang out around each other as much anymore. I mean we still hang out a lot but we arn't sitting around at each others house with nothing to do. Now it's all about talking to out girls and playing xbox. I know all of you are thinking typical boy which I would have to agree. But im not obsessed with it as much as most are. 

Anyways, enough about the boys lets talk about Sage again. I miss her so much and it's only been a day since I've seen her last. I decided to text her letting her know I was thinking about her. 

To Sage: Hey babe :) Just wanted to let you know I miss you a ton and can't wait to kiss your face. <3 

When I hit send I realized just how much that girl really means to me even only after a month. 

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