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Time skip from last book. They are now ages 22/23. I'm sorry for a lot of time skips and I hope it's not annoying.

Finns POV~

Millie and I are now married. We got married on March 15 and had the most beautiful wedding ever. I can't believe she's my wife! My wife! Gosh, it feels amazing to be able to say that! Oh another thing, last year, Caleb finally got the balls to propose to Sadie. They had they're wedding a month ago and it was amazing. I'm so happy for them! Our friends come and visit us a lot as well. Lilia and Jaeden come the most since they're closest. Iris and Gaten came a couple times but they haven't came in a while due to them having a kid. They had a beautiful baby girl and she looks just like Iris. Green eyes and dirty blonde curly hair. She's insanely adorable! Noah and Grace had a boy who is now 2. They came to visit a couple weeks ago and they're boy is amazing! Millie and I loved playing with him and making him laugh. Maddie and Jack moved to Australia so Jack could be closer to family. They visited us twice but that was for our wedding and Sadie and Caleb's wedding. It was nice seeing all our friends again and I'm so excited to see what our future holds. By "our" I mean Millie and I's. While I'm deep in my thoughts about Millie and our friends, I notice her stirring in her sleep. I glance over at the clock and notice it's already 10am. I then look back at the girl beside me and see that she's awake. She smiles while she moves some hair out of my face.

"Morning Wolfhard" She says while giving me a quick kiss.

"Morning Wolfhard" I reply smirking. She giggles and nuzzles her head into my chest. I then play with her hair while she listens to my heart beat.

"We have to go to a photo shoot today" she informs me. Shit. I totally forgot!

"What time?" I ask

"11" she responds. My eyes widen while I jump out of bed.

"We gotta get ready or we're going to be late!" I exclaim. She gets up from bed as well and hugs me.

"Calm down, it's not like we have to get ready" she says calmly. I then bend down to kiss her. She smiles into the kiss as we make our way to the bed. I climb on top of her while she tangles her fingers in my hair.

"Finn... we... have... to...stop before... we both... get... hickeys..." says in between kisses. I then plant kisses all over her face and stand up. I then reach my hand out for her as she giggles and takes it. I help her off the bed and she goes to our closet to grab clothes. She gets black leggings and walks over to my side of the closet to get one of my sweatshirts. She then walks to the bed and changes into her clothes. I then grab a white t-shirt and black jeans and quickly change into them as well. We're both comfortable changing in front of each other now so it's not weird. We're married after all. Once we finished changing, we headed out the door to go to the photoshoot.

"I want Starbucks" Millie firmly but sassily says.

"Sassy are we?" I ask with a chuckle

"I'm on my period Finn" she says with an eye roll.

"Ok then" I reply

"Kidding! I just couldn't think of an excuse" she laughs.

"Mhm" I reply laughing as well as we pull up to Starbucks.

"Hello what would you like today?" The server asks

"Can I get a tall iced coffee?" I ask knowing what Millie wants.

"Is that all for you?" They ask

"A water to please and that's it" I say

"Ok, $2.25 at the first window, thanks" the speaker says. After I pay, we continue our journey to the Photoshoot.

After a long day of standing around, posing, and getting pictures taken, we went home.

"I'm boreddddd" Millie whines. We're currently laying on the couch watching tv as we play with each other's fingers.

"Hmmmmm" I smirk. I then lean over to kiss her as she immediately kisses back. It was a rough yet sweet kiss as our lips were moving in sync. Opening and closing here and there. Sometimes my tongue would slip into her mouth or sometimes hers would slip into mine. But I love it! I love her! I then pick her up while she moves her legs to have a firm grip on the sides of my waist. I move us to a wall as I begin kissing her neck. I trail down her neck and collarbones as I reach the color of her shirt. I then throw it off and proceed to what I was doing. And the rest of the night was... let's just say... amazing!

First chapter!
Sorry if it seemed like everything happened so fast. I kind of felt like it did but whatever. I hope you liked this chapter and leave suggestions😁❤️❤️❤️ byeee

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