Beautiful princesses

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One week later

Millie's POV~

This past week has been amazing! Sadie's daughter was born 2 days ago and she's beautiful. She has golden brown skin, extremely curly brown hair, and glowing blue eyes. Caleb and Sadie named her Clara Max McLaughlin. She's adorable and is totally a mama's girl. Moving on to Mila, she's one week old now! Finn and I love her to death! We've been given a lot of love from our fans and we couldn't be happier. Everytime we take Mila out, many people want pictures with us. We usually agree because we find it so sweet that they want pictures with us. Looks like Mila will be famous too! Mila's currently taking a nap right now as Finn and I are watching TV.

"Millie?" Finn asks, I turn my head towards him

"Yeah?" I ask in response

"I love you." Finn says as he begins to kiss all over my face and tickles me as well.

"F-Finn... stop...that...t-tickles" I say in between laughs.

"Ughhhh fine" he responds slightly laughing. We then hear baby cries coming from our room. Finn and I rush up the steps into our room and I carefully take Mila out of her crib and begin to shh her.

"It's ok baby, mommy's here." I say softly to her. I then sing her little lullabies to calm her down. Her cries become quieter as she eventually falls asleep in my arms. I then carefully put her back down in her crib. Finn then puts his arm around me as we head out of the room. Right when we're about to shut the door, we hear her crying again.

"Oh baby" I say as I go back in the room and take her out of her crib. I begin to rock her in my arms. She then calms down and falls back asleep.

"Let's take her downstairs with us so she won't cry again" Finn says. I nod in agreement. We then head back downstairs and continue to watch TV. I then hear Mila yawn and I look down and see her gorgeous green eyes beginning to flutter open.

"Hi princess" I say smiling at her. Finn then looks down at her too and holds her precious hand.

"Can I hold her?" Finn asks softly

"Mhm" I reply handing her to him.

"Hey baby girl" Finn says. She then lightly smiles at Finn and tries to grab his face with her hands. I giggle at the scene.

"Finnie... can we get ice cream?" I ask Finn in a babyish voice. He then does a sarcastic annoyed sigh.

"Yes Millie, we can." He says making me smile and jump around the room like a 5 year old.

"YAY!" I exclaim while jumping

"Calm down Millie." Finn says laughing as he stands up with Mila in his arms.

"We can walk to the park cause they have ice cream there." Finn says

"Yeah let's go!" I say excitedly and we get on our shoes and I put Mila in her sling.

"Ready?" Finn asks

"Ready." I reply as I lace our fingers together and head out the door. Once we got there, we went to the ice cream stand and waited in line.

"Aren't you Millie and Finn?" A voice asks. Finn and I turn around and notice a girl who looks to be the around the age of 15.

"Yes we are!" I say smiling. Finn and I are comfortable with fans talking to us, I mean we're kind of used to it by now.

"Oh my god!!! Can I take a picture with you guys and Mila?" She asks excitedly. Finn and I laugh and agree. We then take a picture with her as she thanks us and leaves.

"She was sweet." I say smiling at Finn

"Sure was, and so are you both my beautiful princesses." Finn says kissing Mila and I's foreheads.
My beautiful princess and my handsome prince. That's fun to say. I giggle at the thought in my head as Finn and I proceed in getting our ice cream.

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