Finn and Mila find out

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Millie's POV~

"You'll tell him right?" Sadie asks as I'm about to get out of her car from the airport.

"Yes Sadie." I say smiling.

"Ok I love you!" Sadie says as I shut the door.

"Love you too, bye!" I yell so she can hear me. I also wave at her as she backs up from my driveway. I walk up to the front door and unlock it with my keys.

"I'm home!" I yell at the top of my lungs as I open the door. I see Finn carrying Mila down the stairs and I smile at them.

"Hey! How was New York?" Finn says gently kissing my lips and handing me Mila.

"It was awesome!" I respond smiling and kissing Mila's head.

"Did you have fun with daddy?" I ask Mila.

"Yeah!" She exclaims smiling. I smile back and set her on the ground.

"Mila, how about you go play with your dolls for a bit, I have to tell daddy something." I say. She then runs into the living room to play with her toys. I pick up my bags but Finn stops me.

"I'll take them." He says with a smile. I then follow him upstairs to our room with him carrying my bags. We reach our room as he sets them down. I pick up one of the bags and take his hand leading him to the bed. We both sit down as I hold both of his hands.

"I have something to tell you." I say smiling as I begin to cry with tears of joy.

"What is it?" He asks softly while smiling. He then wipes the tears from my face. I let go of one of his hands to grab something out of my bag and show it to him. He gasps and smiles even wider and begins to cry as well.

"Are you pregnant?!" He asks excitedly as he looks back and forth from the pregnancy test in my hands to my face.

"Mhm" I say nodding and smiling.

"Oh my god! This is amazing!" He exclaims as he picks me up from the bed and spins me around.

"Why are you guys yelling? And why are you guys crying. Are you guys sad?" Mila says from the doorway, frowning at the last question she asked.

"No baby." I say smiling coming over to her and picking her up.

"We're not sad. We're happy!" I say placing her down on my lap on the bed.

"Then why are you crying?" She asked confused.

"Because I found out that I'm going to have a baby. I'm going to have another one of you!" I say excitedly.

"Where is it?" She asks looking around the room.

"It's in my tummy." I say slightly laughing. Her eyes begin to grow wide.

"Did you eat it!?" She asks in shock.

"No, no. It's growing in my tummy. In a couple months it will be in our arms." I say smiling.

"How did it get there then?" She asks. I hear Finn trying to hide his laugh and smirk from the other side of the room.

"That's a story for another time." I say giggling.

"Whatever." She says as she climbs off of my lap and runs back downstairs.

"I know how it got there." Finn says smirking and walking over to me.

"Yeah and it's your fault." I say smirking back.

"Uh uh. Its your fault too! Your the one that let me fu-" Finn starts but I cut him off.

"Ok Finn. I get it." I say laughing

"When did you find out?" He asks.

"Well, I'm a couple weeks late for my period and I've been throwing up every morning when I was in New York. So I took a couple pregnancy tests in the hotel and they were all positive!" I say smiling. He smiles in return and kisses my head.

"Two little Mila's huh?" He asks.

"Yep!" I smile and slightly laugh. Another small child that I get to call mine. I love saying that now.

You all were correct! I bet you knew that was coming though.😂😂😂

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