She's here

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A couple weeks later...

Millie's POV~

Sadie, Lilia, and I are hanging out at my house while the boys went to a photoshoot. We were watching TV but I just left the couch to go grab my phone from my room. I was walking up the stairs until I feel some sort of liquid running down my leg.

"LILIA! SADIE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I then felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

"FUCK!!!" I yell from the pain. I then hear the girls running towards me.

"Millie? What is- OH MY GOD!" Sadie exclaims. They both rush over to me.

"I think my water just broke!" I say excitedly but nervous

"Lilia, call the boys. I'll get Millie into the car." Sadie says. Lilia then runs into a different room and Sadie helps me out the door into the car.

"Ahhhh it hurts!" I say while clenching my teeth.

"It's ok Millie. Take deep breaths." Sadie says while getting into the passenger seat. Lilia then comes running out of the house as well and gets into the driver's seat. We then head to the hospital.

Once we got there, Lilia told the front desk what was happening and they rushed me to a room. Sadie fell asleep on a chair and Lilias sitting down next to me. I've calmed down a lot but I keep having contractions. I need Finn. When will he be here?

"Lilia, when will the boys get here?" I ask sounding impatient

"They're on their way." Lilia says while sighing and seeming sad at the same time

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Oh umm, nothing. It's nothing" she says looking down

"Lilia, you can tell me anything." I say to her. She takes a deep breath and looks up at me at the same time.

"I'm pregnant. I've known for a month now. I haven't told Jaeden yet because I'm scared he'll leave me." She says as she begins to cry

"Oh Lilia, he won't leave you! He loves you to death! Everytime Finn comes home after hanging out with him, he says he won't stop talking about how much he's in love with you! It's incredibly sweet!" I tell her with a smile

"Thanks Millie, I'll tell him soon." She says returning a smile

"And congratulations by the way!" I say

"Tha-" I then cut her off by screaming in pain from another contraction.

"Owwww! Ughhhh this is so annoying! It's hurts so fucking much!" I yell. Sadie then jolts awake from me screaming and yelling.

"Sorry Sadie" I apologize while giggling

"It's ok" she replies laughing

"Millie!" I hear from the door. I look that direction and see Finn. He rushed over to me and hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"Hi Finn" I say giggling. He kisses my forehead again while Jaeden and Caleb come in.

"Hey Millie" they both say. I let out a weak Hi as they sit down next to their wife's.

"How are you doing?" Finn asks as he grabs a chair to sit next to me. He then grabs my hand to hold it in his.

"I keep having contractions and it feels like a knife if slashing through me!" I say wincing in pain.

"It's ok baby. I'm here now." Finn says while squeezing my hand in comfort. I then feel the the sharpest pain I've ever felt in my life.

"FUCK!!!!!!" I scream. Caleb then rushes out the door to get the nurses. They come running in to check me.

"We think the baby's ready Millie. We can only have 3 extra guest in here so 2 will have to leave. Who would you like to stay with you?" The nurse asks

"Finn, Sadie, and Lilia." I say giving the other two boys apologetic looks.

"It's fine Millie" Jaeden says with a smile as him and Caleb leave the room. Finn then grabs my hand as the nurse instructs me on what to do.

"Ok, we're going to have you start pushing now. Is that alright?" They ask. I then nod in response. I'm glad they gave me some medicine to not make it hurt as much. But it still really hurt!

"Almost there." The nurses inform me. A couple seconds later I hear a crying baby. Oh my god! She's here!

"Finn, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The doctors ask him.

"Yes!" He says excitedly. I then giggle.

"I can't believe she's here!" I exclaim while looking over at Lilia and Sadie beside me. They then smile an hug me

"You did so well Mills" Sadie says

"Wait a couple more days Sadie, you'll go through the same thing" I say laughing

"Oh and Lilia, when are you going to tell Jaeden?" I ask Lilia

"I'll tell him tomorrow" she says with a smile

"Wait, tell him what?" Sadie asks

"I'm pregnant" Lilia says while beginning to cry from happiness

"Oh my god Lilia! Congratulations!" Sadie says in response.

"Our babies will be best friends!" Sadie says with a giggle. Lilia and I nod our heads in agreement as her and Sadie back up from my hospital bed. I then turn around and notice Finn holding a beautiful baby girl in his arms while smiling.

"Oh my god! She's so precious." I say softly while stroking her little head.

"You wanna hold her?" Finn asks still smiling.

"Yes yes yes!" I exclaim but in a whisper. Finn giggles as he kisses her forehead and places her in my arms. He then kisses my forehead and climbs into the empty spot on the bed next to me. I look down at the gorgeous girl in my arms and notice her features. She has dark brown hair that's not very visible due to her just being born. She has a constellation on freckles all over her face like Finn and a small button nose just like me. I then notice her eyes begin to flutter open and see that their green!

"Oh my god! Finn look! She has green eyes!" I say excitedly. Finn then looks down at her and nods while smiling.

"She's adorable isn't she." Finn says while staring at our beautiful baby.

"Mhm" I say while kissing her forehead

"What do you want to name her?" Finn asks while playing with my hair with one hand and using the other to play with the babies hand.

"Mila El Wolfhard" I say smiling down at the beautiful girl

"Awwww I love it!" Finn exclaims while kissing my forehead again.

"Girls! Do you both want to hold her?" I ask Sadie and Lilia

"Sure!" They both respond as I hand Mila over to them

"Wanna know why I wanted her middle name to be El?" I ask Finn while playing with his fingers

"Why?" Finn asks

"Because if I didn't audition to play her, I never would have met you, never would have married you, and never would have had Mila with you. El's important to me. She changed my whole life. The way she changed it made me the happiest girl in the world." I say as I look up at him. He then begins to cry as he kisses me. We pull away as Sadie and Lilia bring Mila back.

"Here's Mila. She looks just like you two!" Lilia exclaims while handing Mila to Finn. He then begins to play with her tiny hands as she sleeps on his chest.

"She does" I reply and fall asleep myself.

Awwwwww I loved this💞

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