Special babysitter

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Millie's POV~

"Finnie, wake up." I say softly to Finn as I run my fingers through his hair.

"Hey." He says smiling with his eyes still closed. He then opens them slowly.

"Good morning" I say kissing his nose.

"Morning" he says

"We have to go to Lilias today remember?" I ask

"Mhm" he replies. I then hear little cries coming from Mila's room. I jump out of bed to see what's wrong. I rush into her room and see her crying while cuddling with her stuffed animal we gave her when she was born.

"Mama." She says between cries. She starts to make gestures with her hands telling me she wants me. I go over to her crib and pick her up.

"Shhh shhh mommy's here. Your ok." I say while kissing her forehead. She keeps crying. I wonder if she had a bad dream? I start singing to her because that always calms her down.

"You are my sunshine." I sing as I walk over to the couch in her room and cradle her on my lap.

"My only sunshine." I sing.

"You make me happy when skies are gray" I hear Finn sing from the doorway. I smile and continue singing as Finn comes over to sit by us.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you" I sing. Mila's cries are now small sniffles.

"Please don't take my sunshine away" Finn and I finish together. Now Mila's all calmed down. I smile at her and kiss her cheek and Finn does the same.

"What was wrong?" Finn asks softly while I hand her to him.

"I'm not sure but I think she had a bad dream." I say frowning

"Oh no" Finn says looking down at Mila who's cuddled in his chest.

"When's Drake going to be here?" Finn asks

"About 20 minutes and then we have to go." I say.

"Ok, let's get ready." Finn says as we stand up. Finn takes Mila with us as we walk into our room. He sets her on our bed and turns on the tv for her.

About 20 minutes later, we hear a knock on our door. I rush down stairs and open the door for Drake.

"Hey!" I exclaim while pulling him in for a hug.

"Hey! How you guys doing?" He asks as I lead him inside.

"We're doing great! How about you?" I ask

"Same answer as you! How's Mila?" He asks

"She's doing great as well. She knows some words but not many. But she can walk!" I say excitedly

"That's awesome!" He exclaims

"Oh and I have a gift for you guys." He says as he pulls out a bag that was behind him. He hands it to me as I set it in the table and open it. It contained the cd of his new album and more baby clothes!

"Oh my god! Thank you Drake!" I exclaim while hugging him

"I hope you like the clothes" he says as I let go from the hug

"I love them!" I say as Finn comes downstairs with Mila in his arms.

"Hi Drake!" Finn exclaims

"Hey!" Drake exclaims. Finn hands Mila to me as he and Drake go off and talk about stuff. I wonder what their talking about?

"Wow that would be amazing! I'd love to!" I hear Finn exclaim. I then walk over to them.

"What are you both talking about?" I ask

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