Taking her home

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Millie's POV~

After a while, the nurses finally let us go home. They got Mila ready and Finn put her in her carrier seat. Caleb took Sadie home since she was tired and Lilia is helping me out of the hospital. Once we got to the car. Lilia and Jaeden said their goodbyes and went home. Finn then strapped Mila in the back and got in the car as well.

"This is so exciting Finn! She gets to see her home for the first time!" I say making Finn giggle. We then drive home while listening to soothing music for Mila.

Once we got home, we took Mila inside and I instantly fell on the couch cause I was exhausted.

"You alright there babe?" Finn asks while picking up Mila from her carrier seat.

"Yeah, just tired" I reply. Finn then walks over to me with Mila in his arms and sits down besides me.

"Hey Mila" I say softly while stroking her small head. She then begins to cry. When she cries, it makes me want to cry as well.

"Baby it's ok" Finn says while rocking her in his arms.

"Shhh... shhh" He says softly to the fragile girl.

"Babe I think she's hungry" Finn says while handing her to me. I then take her in my arms and begin to breast feed her and kiss her forehead a couple times to calm her down.

A few hours have passed and Finn and I have been spending the whole time with Mila. She's so adorable it makes me want to scream and cry. We're currently lying on our bed with Mila sleeping in the middle of us. I softly place my hand on her cheek feeling her soft skin. She then stirs in her sleep which is the cutest thing!

"Awww she's so cute." I say as I kiss her forehead.

"She sure is" Finn says. He then starts playing with her small hand. I start to do the same thing with her other hand. She then starts to wake up and yawns.

"Awwww" Finn and I both say in sync as we look at each other and smile.

"Hi princess" Finn says to the now smiling baby. I then bend down to kiss her forehead. She starts to squirm which causes me to giggle.

"I love you" I say to her and kiss her forehead again.

"Want to go to sleep now? You seem tired. I'll take care of her." Finn says

"Yeah thanks" I say as I drift off to sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter. I was really busy today. I hope you still like it though!!!❤️❤️❤️

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