Pink Paint

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Mila's POV~

After mommy went to sleep, I got off of the couch and went back outside to paint. I grabbed another piece of paper and decided to paint daddy. I stared painting his face and then his hair.

"Fluffy." I say to myself and giggle as I paint his hair. Then some paint from the paintbrush splashed onto me and got my face.

"Oops." I say as I try to rub it off. I then got more paint on my face because my hands were covered in it. I then thought of a fun idea. How about I paint myself since I already have paint on me! I grabbed the paint brush and swirled it around in the pink water color. I then started to paint my arms and then my legs.

"I'll be so pretty! Mommy and daddy will love it!" I say to myself.

After a few more minutes, I finally finished. I went back inside and went into the bathroom.

"Woah!" I say as I look at myself in the mirror. My whole body, including my face, was colored pink. I love it! I giggle to myself and run out of the bathroom. I then went upstairs to my room to play with some toys.

After playing with my toys for a while, I hear daddy yell my name and mommy's name.

"Mila! Millie!" Daddy yells. I immediately stand up and run downstairs.

"Hey Mi- uhhh. Millie come here!" Daddy says with wide eyes. What? Does he not like the pink?

"Hey ba- oh my. Mila baby, what did you do?" Mommy says as she walks over to me and picks me up. The paint was dry now anyways so she won't get any on her.

"I pained myself pink because I want to be pink." I say smiling.

"Oh Mila." Mommy says shaking her head and laughs at the same time.

"What?" I ask giggling

"How about I buy you more pink outfits? That way you don't have to paint yourself pink!" Mommy says

"Ok." I say sighing.

"But do you like it daddy?" I ask daddy.

"It's umm, very pretty Mila but don't paint on yourself. Paint on paper." Daddy says.

"Ok I'm sorry." I say

"It's ok baby. Now let's get you in the bath." Mommy says. Her and daddy help me into the bath and begin to wash all the paint off of me.

"Hm. Now I'm not pink anymore!" I whine.

"Remember Mila, I'll get you some pink clothes, ok?" Mommy asks.

"Ok." I say smiling. Daddy then began to wash my hair and he smiled at mommy. Mommy smiled back.

"Why are you smiling at each other?" I ask

"Because mommy's beautiful." Daddy says as he kisses mommy. Ewwwww

"Icky!" I exclaim.

"Oops sorry Mila." Mommy says.

"But your beautiful too Mila!" Daddy says while rinsing out the shampoo in my hair. I giggle in response.

"Oh by the way Mila, Uncle Wyatt is coming over tomorrow to babysit you!" Mommy exclaims. I smile widely

"YAY!" I exclaim. They both smile at me and help me out of the bath. Daddy then wraps a towel around me as mommy scrubs my hair with another towel. When they were done drying me, they got me in my pajamas and got me into bed.

"Goodnight Mila, we love you." Mommy says as her and daddy stand at my door.

"I love you both too! So much!" I exclaim. They both smile at me and shut my door. I then went to sleep, dreaming about the fun day that I'll have with Uncle Wyatt tomorrow.


Hehe. Another chapter today! Next one will be about Wyatt babysitting Mila!!!

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