Everything I've dreamed of

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Finns POV~

Millie and I are both at a cafe enjoying our time together. I can't believe that in less than a year, we'll have a little baby! I'm so excited but nervous at the same time. What if I'm not a good dad?

"Millie... I'm nervous. What if I'm not a good dad? What if the baby doesn't like me? What if-"

"Babe, your going to be a great dad! Probably the best dad to ever exist! Our son or daughter will love you! You make everyone so happy and I just know you'll make them happy as well." She reassures me with a smile. I then calm myself down and take her hands in mine.

"I'm excited Millie! I can't wait to have a little kid running around!" I exclaim. She then giggles and starts to cry.

"Baby, why are you crying?" I ask softly

"I'm just so happy! I have everything I've dreamed of, a gorgeous husband, a beautiful house, and now a baby on the way." She says while wildly smiling. I then begin to cry with tears of joy as well.

"Me too. I couldn't ask for anything else in the world." I  respond.

After we ate and talked, we headed to Sadie and Caleb's house.

"Hey man" Caleb says while giving me a bro hug. Sadie and Millie run off squealing about something. I don't even know. But they're girls so whatever.

"How have things been with your wife?" I ask Caleb while smirking and wiggling my eyebrows

"Great! Why are you smirking?" Caleb asks

"No reason" I say with an expressionless face trying really hard not to laugh.

"Mhm" he says in response

We then walk over to the couch where the girls are sitting.

"Why are you both giggling?" Caleb asks with a smile on his face.

"Well Caleb and Finn... I have an announcement to make." Sadie says while tearing up.

"Yes..." Caleb asks with a confused but caring look.

"I'm pregnant!" Sadie exclaims. Caleb then jumps off the couch to embrace her in a hug. Looks like our babies will be like twins.

"How long have you known?" Caleb asks while releasing from the hug

"3 days. I was going to tell you sooner but I wanted Finn and Millie to be here as well." Sadie says to Caleb. "I told Millie when you guys got here, that's why we were squealing and giggling" Sadie adds while hugging Caleb again.

"Well congratulations Sadie!" I exclaim while giving her a hug as well.

"And congratulations to you guys too! Our babies are going to be best friends/ cousins!" Sadie says. Millie gets up from the couch and walks over to me, embracing me in a hug. I then kiss her forehead and widely smile at her.

After hanging out with Caleb and Sadie and having dinner with them, Millie and I went back home. We're currently in bed, legs tangled together, Millie's head on my chest, and her playing with my fingers on her stomach.

"Boy or girl?" Millie asks

"Hmm?" I ask, confused of what she means.

"The baby, do you want them to be a boy or a girl?" Millie asks

"Ohhh, well surprisingly I actually want to have a girl. I want to be able to look at another beautiful girl in the morning that will light up my whole day. I want to keep them as far away from Fuckboys, or boys in general, as I can." I say chuckling and causing Millie to giggle.

"What do you want them to be?" I softly ask while kissing the top of her head

"A girl. I want to be able to dress her in cute dresses and style her hair it cute hairstyles. When she's older, I want to give her boy advice, give her makeovers, and so much more." She says while looking up at me. I then kiss her plump pink tinted lips and smile at the beautiful girl.

"If its a boy, I would still be equally as happy though." I say with a smile.

"Me too" she says smiling.

"Have you thought of any names?" I ask curiously

"Well, if it's a girl, I love the name Mila. If it's a boy, I was thinking Mike." She says with a smirk. I then let out a small laugh.

"Well I love those." I say while holding her tighter. She then nuzzles her head into the crook of my neck and falls into a deep sleep. I soon after fall asleep as well.


2 updates today cause I felt like it.😁❤️

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