Milas Nightmare

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Mhm another time skip. I want Mila to be a bit older so she can do more and say more. Also I'm currently writing this on a bus with 30 screaming 14 year olds on our way home from our Canada field trip. So don't mind if this makes no sense, I can hardly concentrate. I have to be with them for 3 more hours and it's already 9pm. Wish me luck! Anyways, enjoy the chapter! Also I didn't proof read.

Time skip to a little over 1 year later. (Mila is now 2)

Millie's POV~

"Mills, I'm taking you on a date tonight." Finn informs me while coming into our bedroom as I watch tv.

"Oooo yay!" I respond smiling.

"Wait what about Mila?" I ask him

"I asked Sadie and Caleb if she could come over. Their fine with it." He says with a smile.

"Ok Mila, be good for uncle Caleb and aunt Sadie!" I say to Mila as I hug her goodbye.

"I love you Mila! Have fun with Clara!" Finn says and hugs her as well.

"Bye Mommy and Daddy!" Mila says as she runs off with Clara inside Sadie and Caleb's house.

"Thanks again guys." I say as I hug both Sadie and Caleb

"No problem Millie! Have fun on your date!" Sadie exclaims as we break away from the hug.

"Thanks!" I say as Finn and I head back to his car. We then drive to the restaurant he's taking me to.

"Really?! No way!!" I exclaim. Finn just informed me that he got a main part in a new movie! He said it was set in Los Angeles which is even better!

"I'm so excited!" He says smiling

"I am too!" I say.

"Here's your bill." The waiter says as he hands us the bill and Finn gives him the card. A couple minutes later, the waiter comes back with the card and we leave the restaurant.

"Thanks Babe" I say as Finn opens the passenger door for me.

"Of course!" He replies slightly smirking.

"Mila it's time to go!" Finn yells as we wait for Mila at the bottom of Sadie and Caleb's staircase.

"How was she?" I ask Sadie

"Amazing! She played with Clara most of the time and we also took them out to get ice cream!" Sadie says smiling

"Cool! I hope she didn't cause any trouble." I say

"No, no she was great! We al-" Caleb starts but gets cut off by Mila and Clara slowly walking down the stairs while holding onto the railing so they won't fall. Adorable.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Mila exclaims once she reaches the bottom of the stairs. She then runs to us as Finn picks her up and spins her around. She giggles and starts to play with his hair. She does that a lot and I find it extremely cute.

"Hey princess!" Finn says kissing her nose. He then hands her to me.

"Hi Mila!" I exclaim and kiss her forehead.

"Thanks again you 2!" Finn exclaims as we head out the door.

"Anytime!" Caleb says. I then carry Mila to the car and strap her into her car seat.

"Goodnight Mila." I say kissing her forehead as I lay her down in her princess bed. Finn comes into the room and kisses her forehead as well.

"We love you so much! Goodnight!" Finn says as him and I head out of the room.

"I wove you!" We hear Mila say.

"Awwww" I say making Finn smile. Finn then picks me up and carries me to our room. He then lightly throws me onto the bed.

"Why did you carry me? I could have walked perfectly fine by myself." I ask laughing

"I don't know. I felt like it." Finn shrugs while laughing as well.

"Come on, let's cuddle." I say holding my arms out. Finn then climbs onto them bed and wraps his arms around me. I grab the remote from the other side of me and turn on the tv. We watch for a little while as Finn picks me up and places me on his lap. I giggle and turn around to face him.

"Why did y-" I get cut off by Finn placing his lips on mine. We start making out for a while and Finn places his hands on the bottom of my shirt and slowly begins to take it off.

"Mommy? Daddy?" I hear a small voice say. I instantly jump off of Finn and fall to the other side of the bed.

"Yes baby?" I ask. I then hear her sniffling and she begins to cry.

"Oh baby, come here." I say as I open my arms out for her to jump into. I sat at the edge of the bed and picked her up and held her in my lap.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I gently run my hands through her hair.

"Bad dream." She says crying. I then move her to lay down in between Finn and I.

"Daddy." She says as she cuddles up in his chest. He gives her multiple kisses on her head and holds her.

"It's ok." Finn softly says.

"What was your dream about?" I ask

"Monster took me away from mommy and daddy." She says as she continues crying. This sounds slightly familiar.

"It was like what we watched wif aunt Sadie and uncle Caleb." She adds.

"Do you think they watched Stranger Things with her?" I whisper to Finn.

"Probably." Finn says slightly angered. He then hands Mila to me as he grabs his phone.

Finns POV~

Fucking Cadie! I can't believe they would make Mila watch stranger things! I grab my phone from the nightstand and text Caleb.

Finn: What the hell man?

Caleb: What?

Finn: Oh you know what.

Caleb: I have no idea what your talking about

Finn: Then explain to me why my daughter comes crying into my room and says she watched a show where a kid gets taken away by a monster. Then she has a bad dream about it

Caleb: ohhhh yeah, we put on stranger things to show the girls how good of actors we all are.

Finn: They don't even understand that they were us!

Caleb: Ugh sorry

Finn: whatever. Goodnight. DON'T DO IT AGAIN!

"I just texted him. He confirmed they watched it." I say sadly as I look down to see Mila all cuddled up in Millie's arms sniffling.

"Ughh" Millie says

"I know" I say as I lay down in the covers. I then scooch over to cuddle with Millie and Mila.

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