Love and light of my world

820 29 27

Finn's POV~

Millie has been asleep for a while now and Mila is fully awake. She keeps wiggling her little body and it's so cute! I put on some Disney movies on the tv even though she obviously can't watch them. I secretly want to watch them myself. During the movie, I posted a picture of Mila on instagram to tell everyone she has arrived!

(A/N so obviously since Millie and Finn don't have kids and are not in their 20s, I'm going to be using the ACE family's photos cause their the cutest family. But pretend it's Finn, Millie, and Mila as them in the instagram parts of this book. Thanks❤️ sorry if that was confusing. Also, since the rest of the cast is now married, the girls will have the last names of their husbands obviously. So don't get confused😁😂)

FinnWolfhardOfficial: 962,011 likes

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FinnWolfhardOfficial: 962,011 likes. 100,834 comments.
Mila El Wolfhard. Born April 29th. 7 pounds and 2 ounces. She's a beautiful and healthy baby. I'm so glad to be able to be her father and I can't wait to see how the future with her will be!❤️

MaddieKelly: Awwwwww she's so cute!!! Can't wait to visit you guys soon!

GraceSchnapp: What a beautiful baby! Miss you tons💞

MilliexFinn: OH MY GOD!!! She's adorable!!😍😍😍

Strangerlover: Ahhhhh💝💗❣️💕💘❤️💓💞

NoahSchnapp: She's so happy!!!! We'll come visit soon!

Winonaryder: You and Millie are all grown up😢💞. So happy for you both❤️

IrisMatarazzo: @MillieBobbyWolfhard she looks just like you!!!😍

CalebMclaughlin: Cutie❤️

SadieMclaughlin: Awww lil Mila! So cute💞

Soon I hear little cries come from Mila so I pick her up and rock her. I then take her out of the room so she doesn't wake Millie up.

"Shhhh... shhhh" I whisper softly and bounce her in my arms. Oh how I wish she could speak and tell me what's wrong. Wait... what's that smell. Oh no. How do I change a diaper?! Millie can't do it cause she's sleeping. Looks like I have to teach myself. I then take Mila over to her changing table and carefully take off her onesie she was wearing.

"Ok... so now what do I do?" I say to myself. You know what? I need help. I grab my phone from the counter and call Iris.

"Hey Finn, what's up?" She asks

"Can you teach me how to change a diaper?" I ask. She laughs in response.

"Yes Finn, of course" she says still laughing. She then starts to teach me how to do this whole changing thing and I think I'm getting the hang of it!

"Like this?" I ask as I point the camera towards my daughter in her fresh diaper.

"Yes! Good job!" She says laughing as she claps her hands

"Well thanks" I say

"No problem. If you need to know how to do anything else, just call me." She says

"I will! Bye"

"Bye, have fun!" She replies and ends the call.

"Well that wasn't to bad was it?" I ask Mila while putting her onesie back on. I then pick her up and take her to the living room where one of her cribs are. I lay her down as I go to the couch to watch tv. I suddenly hear my phone ringing and see that my managers calling.

"Hi!" I say as I put the phone to my ear.

"Hi Finn, we wanted to ask you, since your daughter was just born, would you, Millie, and her like to have a family photoshoot? The pictures might end up in a magazine as well."  My manager asks me

"Yes of course! When will it be?" I ask

"Probably in a couple weeks since Mila's just a newborn." They reply

"Well thanks so much! I'll tell Millie after her nap." I say

"Your very welcome. I hope everything is going great Mila!" They say

"It is! Bye" I say and end the call. I then walk over to Mila's crib and take her out.

"Looks like you are going to be a beautiful model just like your mommy" I say smiling at her. I soon notice a small smile creeping up on her face.

"Hey" I hear Millie's voice from walking down the stairs.

"Hey how you doing?" I ask walking over to her with Mila in my arms.

"Good, thankfully less tired" she says smiling

"That's good" I say while quickly kissing her lips.

"I wanna see my beautiful girl" she says in a babyish voice as I hand Mila to her

"Hey baby" she says softly to Mila as she bounces her in her arms.

"Guess what I did?" I ask Millie with a smirk

"What?" She asks smiling

"I changed Mila's diaper all by myself. I did have to call Iris to teach me how though. But I still did it!" I say sounding proud. She then giggles

"I'm so proud of you!" She says still giggling.

"Oh by the way, in a couple weeks, all three of us are having a family photoshoot." I inform her. She then smiles and looks up at me

"Her first photoshoot" She says still smiling

"Mhm" I reply and kiss Mila's forehead.

"What's for dinner?" She asks while walking over to the couch to breastfeed Mila.

"I don't know, do you want to order piz-, no wait, you don't like pizza. Umm... well what do you want to eat?"

"I kinda want a salad. Can you call Caleb and ask him if he can bring some over?" She asks

"Why call Caleb? I can get it my-" she then cuts me off

"Uh uh, I want you to stay here with us." She says sweetly. I then smile at her.

"Alright. Well how about I invite them over for dinner as well?" I ask

"Yeah!" She replies. I then proceed to call Caleb.

"Hey Caleb, is there by any chance you can bring over pizza and a salad for Millie? You and Sadie can eat with us as well." I say to Caleb.

"Yeah of course! We'll be there soon." He replies. We then say goodbye and end the call.

"Awwww Babe! That picture you took of Mila is so cute!" I hear Millie say from the couch. I then walk over to her and wrap my arms around her from behind.

"I know" I reply smiling as I kiss her head. I can't believe I have the most perfect wife and the most perfect daughter! They are the love and light of my world.

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