First Words

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Sorry another time skip. I still can't think of what to right and I feel bad. But here's the chapter!

Time skip 1 year later

Millie's POV~

"I'll be there in about an hour, ok?"

"Yay! I missed you so much! So did Mila! I'll see you soon!"

"Awww, Love you! Tell Mila I love her too and that daddy will be home soon!"

"I will! Love you, bye" I said as I ended my call with Finn. He had to fly to New York because he's going to be in a few episodes of a new Netflix series! He's been there for about 3 months now and they finally finished filming! He's finally coming home and I can't wait to see him! Mila really misses him too. Oh yeah, she learned to walk a couple months ago and said her first word about 2 months ago! I'm so proud of her! I can't believe she's already 1 year old!


I set Mila on the floor to watch some TV as I was preparing her lunch which consisted of puffs and baby food.

Once I was done, I picked her up from the floor and carried her on my hip. I then walked over to the Mirror.

"Look pretty girl! it's you!" I say pointing at her through the mirror. She then giggles and stares at her reflection.

"Pretty" She mumbles. Oh my god! Her first word! I gasp and quickly walk over to the kitchen to call Finn.

"Babe! Babe! Mila said her first word!" I say to Finn through the phone

"What! Really! I wasn't even there! What did she say?" He asks

"Pretty" I say smiling down at the pretty girl in my arms.

"Pretty" she repeats.

"Oh my god Finn! She said it again!! Did you hear it!?" I practically yell through the phone.

"Yes!!! Good job Mila!" He yells through the phone as well. Mila then giggles again.

"I have to go back to set now babe, but I'll call you later. Love you both, bye." Finn says

"Love you too, bye." I say and end the call

"Bye-bye dada" Mila says. Oh my god!!! I already ended the call so Finn didn't even hear it!!! Ugh!

"Good job baby!" I say kissing her forehead.

End of flashback

"Mila, daddy's almost here!" I exclaim while walking over to the living room where she was watching tv. She then turns around to face me and smiles. Awww she's adorable.

"Millie, Mila, I'm home!" I hear. I then rush to the front door and jump onto Finn and wrap my legs around waist. He catches me and I bury my head in his neck.

"I missed you." I mumble in his neck

"I missed you too." He says as I look up and kiss him. He then sets me down as we see Mila wobbling over to us.

"Dada!" She exclaims.

"Hey princess" Finn says as he picks her up from the ground.

"Look at you! You've gotten so much bigger!" He says while kissing her forehead. She giggles and starts playing with his curls.

"Fluffy" She says giggling.

"Another word!" I exclaim.

"Yeah fluffy" he giggles as well. "How many words does she know now?" Finn asks

"Well she knows pretty, bye-bye, dada, mama, hungry, and now fluffy!" I say laughing

"That's amazing!" Finn says while setting Mila on the ground and grabbing his bags.

"How was filming?" I ask while helping carry his bags into our room.

"It was awesome! I got to visit Noah, Grace, and Will!" Will is their son who is now 3!

"How are they?" I ask

"Their doing well! Will's a troublemaker and loves to paint the walls of his bedroom." Finn says laughing

"I bet his whole wall looks like a rainbow." I say laughing as I set down his bags by our bed.

"Actually yeah!" Finn exclaims laughing. He then jumps onto the bed and lets out a sigh.

"But I'm glad to be home with my girls." He says smirking. I then feel something tug the end of my shirt. I turn around and notice Mila looking at me with sad eyes

"What's wrong baby?" I ask. She then makes gestures with her hands telling me she wants me to pick her up. So I do. I then carry her to the bed and sat her down next to Finn. She then points at the tv telling me she wants to watch something. I turn it on and change the channel to Disney Junior. She then focuses on the tv.

"I'm taking a nap." I inform Finn and lay on the bed as well.

"I'll keep an eye on her." Finn says.

"Ok" I say as I drift off to sleep.

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