The annoying girl

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Ok, I have two things to say.
1) I'm realizing now that I said Mila is now 3. I actually wanted her to be 2 so just pretend she's been 2 for the last few chapters. She's still 2 in this chapter as well. I'll change her age to 2 in the "Mila's Nightmare" chapter cause that's when I said she as 3. That probably made no sense but I hope you kind of understand.
2) I might not post for the next couple days. Those days being Wednesday, Thursday, and possibly Friday. I have 2 big projects for English and Social Studies that I have to focus on. I have to memorize a poem for English and do a 7 minuet speech for Social Studies. I'm not sure if I'll have the time to or feel up to writing chapters. But if i don't upload any for these days, I will on Saturday. My last day of school is on June 21 so then I'll be free from homework for 2 1/2 months! Now that I'm thinking about it, that's not long😂.
Anyways, enjoy the chapter.

Finns POV~

"Daddy pwease!" Mila whines. Millie had to fly to New York today because her and Sadie had to do some photoshoot there. It was only for 3 days and she thought it would be best if Mila and I stayed home. I would have been fine with going but I really think she just wanted some girl time. Anyways, Mila has been whining about getting ice cream for forever. We get it almost everyday so I kept telling her no. I hate saying no to her. But it's better to keep her healthy then to get her sick.

"No Mila, you've had to much this week. It's to much sugar." I say kneeling down almost to her height.

"I hate you!" She screams and runs away. Even though she doesn't fully understand what "I hate you" means, it still hurt like a ton of bricks just fell on my heart. It hurts when your child says they hate you. I know she didn't mean it but I still couldn't hold in that single tear that just left my eye.

I then hear her bedroom door slam shut. I felt bad so I ran up the stairs to her room. I opened the door and see her crying on her bed hugging her stuffed animals.

"Oh Mila." I say rushing over to her. I pick her up and place her in my lap, running my hands through her hair. She cries into my chest as I try to calm her down.

"I'm sorry baby." I say kissing her head.

"If you have to much ice cream, you can get sick. It's bad for you if you eat to much." I say now cradling her in my lap. She looks up at me with her red puffy eyes.

"Tomorrow?" She asks pouting. I think for a second but then give in.

"Fine, you can have some tomorrow, but then no more for a week." I say not trying to sound rude or bossy. She then nods her head and I wipe the tears off her face.

"Starbucks?" She asks with hope. I laugh and nod my head yes

"YAY!" She exclaims getting off of my lap.

"Come on daddy, we have to get ready!" She says. I laugh and sit up from her bed.

"Hair!" She says pointing to her hair. Millie taught me how to do French braids so that's how I did her hair.

"Pretty!" She says as I finally finish braiding her hair. I then pick her up and grab my car keys. We head out the door and I strapped her in her car seat. I got in the driver's seat and started driving to Starbucks.

"What do you want?" I ask Mila as we approach the drive through.

"cake pop!" She exclaims. We then went through the drive through and I got her a cake pop and a water for me.

"What do you want to do now?" I ask her.

"Park!" She exclaims. I laugh at her excitement and drive to the park.

"Ok Mila, what do you want to do first?" I ask her as I take her out of her car seat and carry her over to the playground. She points to the swings so I take her over to them. I put her on one of the baby ones so she won't fall. She thankfully fit into it. Well she is pretty small anyways.

"Higher!" She yells giggling as I push her on the swing. When she was tired of that, I helped her off and she went to go play on the slides and stuff. I sat on the park bench and went on my phone for a bit.

"Is this seat taken?" I look up from my phone and see a girl that looks to be in her 20s as well as me standing by the bench I was sitting on.

"Oh uh, no?" I say but it sounded more like a question. I was confused because there were many other benches free that she could sit in but whatever.

She then sits on the empty part of the bench next to me.

"I'm Annabelle. What's your name?" She asks as she opens her hand gesturing for me to shake it. Why doesn't she know my name? I don't mean to brag but I'm famous so like, shouldn't she know who I am?

"Finn." I say with no emotion and shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you." She says smiling. That smile kind of looked like a smirk to me. I didn't smile back because she's annoying and I want her to get that message.

"Yeah" I say as I turn my attention to the playground trying to spot Mila. I finally see her playing on the slide with a couple other kids. I smile to myself and look back at my phone.

"Hey, maybe we can hangout sometime." I hear Annabelle say. I look over to her and see a smirk plastered on her face. I just nod my head so I don't have to start a conversation with this annoying girl. Could she just leave me alone already?

"You know Finn, I find you very attractive." She says getting closer to me. I scooch away until I hit the other end of the bench. I'm to nervous to speak so I just sat there staring at her with confusion. She then places her hand on my leg. I take her hand off my leg cause it's making me very uncomfortable. I glare at her and she backs up a little. I then see a smirk finding its way back to her face.

"How about I give you my phone number. You could come to my place sometime and we could... hang out." She says smirking and biting her lip. I finally gain my confidence.

"Well you see..." I hold up my hand showing her my wedding ring. "I'm married." I say smiling.

"Daddy!" I hear Mila yell as she runs towards me. I pick her up and turn back around to Annabelle who now has a face of confusion and an evil glare.

"Oh yeah, and I have a daughter. So that's a no bitch." I rudely say as I walk back to the car with Mila. I turn around to see what Annabelle's face looks like now. I see her glaring at me while slightly shaking her head. I fake smile at her and carry on walking to the car.

"Who's that?" Mila asks as we finally reach the car and I strap her in her car seat.

"A very rude girl." I say as I kiss her cheek causing her to giggle. I then get in the driver's seat and begin to drive back home.

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