Taking my two girls out

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Finns POV~

After Millie fell asleep, I went on my phone for a little bit until Mila had enough of watching tv. She stood up on the bed and clumsily walked towards me.

"Hey Mila! Had enough of the tv?" I ask while she jumps onto my chest. She isn't that heavy so it didn't hurt much.

"Fluffy." She giggles and points to my hair. I guess my hair is really fluffy since she said it twice today. I laugh and pick her up while standing up.

"Daddy's going to get you ready for our date with mommy tonight." I say while kissing her head and walking to her room. She giggles and starts playing with my hair. Once we got to her room, I set her on her little couch so I could get her some clothes. I picked out this for her to wear⬇️

Once I finished putting her outfit on her, I picked her up again and went back to Millie and I's room

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Once I finished putting her outfit on her, I picked her up again and went back to Millie and I's room.

"Millie, wake up" I say softly and I gently kiss her forehead. She then stirs in her sleep and eventually wakes up.

"Hey" she says in a tired voice.

"Why is Mila all dressed up?" She says smiling and looking at Mila in my arms.

"I'm taking you both out on a date. So you better get ready!" I exclaim. She then jumps out of bed and goes to our closet to get clothes. She holds up two dresses.

"Which one?" She asks as I sit down and place Mila on my lap. The dresses looked like this ⬇️

 The dresses looked like this ⬇️

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"Uhh the second one

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"Uhh the second one." I say. She then changes into it while I play with Mila.

"Mama!" Mila exclaims and points at Millie. Woah she was hot in that dress. Well she's hot all the time but... woah.

"Damn" I say biting my lip as I look her up and down. She then giggles and kisses me.

"Pretty" Mila says as Millie picks her up from my lap.

"Correct" I say to Mila laughing.

Once Millie finished getting ready we headed out the door. I'm taking them to a fancy restaurant that babies normally wouldn't go to. But I'm taking them there anyways.

After driving for a while we finally reached the restaurant.

"You didn't?" Millie asks while gasping

"I did." I say smiling. She then rushes out of the car and opens the side door to get Mila.

"Look Mila! Isn't that pretty!" Millie exclaims while pointing at the view of the city.

"Pretty" Mila says. That's probably her favorite word now. She says it all the time!

"Mhm" Millie says and kisses her cheek.

"Come on, let's go in." I say. We then walk into the restaurant, Millie carrying Mila in.

"Hello, table for 2 plus a high chair please." I say to the people at the front desk.

"Right this way." They say as they lead us to a table. They then grab a high chair for Mila and Millie sets her in it.

"Thanks Finn. You didn't have to take us here." Millie says smiling

"Well I did. And I wanted to." I reassure her and smile back.

"Also Millie, Jaeden asked if we can come over tomorrow and help with Kylie?" Kylie is their daughter that they finally had a couple months ago. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She's adorable!
(A/N your welcome Kylie Jerika_00 ⬅️That's ma best friend (her names kylie)! And yes, I made her be Lilia and Jaeden's daughter😂)

"Yeah of course! But won't it be a bit hard with Mila there too?" She asks

"Yeah it probably will. We need a babysitter for her. Sadie and Caleb are gone to visit their parents so who could?" I ask. Her face lights up and she pulls out her phone from her purse.

"Drake!" She says excitedly

"Great idea!" I exclaim laughing. She then proceeds to texting him. I wonder how this will turn out...

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