Mommy and Daughter day

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Millie's POV~

"I'll be back soon love" Finn says as he kisses my head. He's going out with Caleb today to spend some time together because they don't get much lately. We've all been busy with our kids. We're not complaining though, we love them to death! But sometimes you just need a little break to hang out with your friends.

"I love you." I tell him before he leaves the house.

"I love you too. Bye princesses!" Finn says

"Say bye to daddy." I say to Mila in my arms.

"Bye daddy." Mila says waving at him.

"Bye Mila." Finn says smiling as he closes the door.

"You ready for our Mommy and Daughter day?" I ask.

"Yeah!" She exclaims

"What do you want to do first?" I ask her.

"Can we play hide and seek?" She asks jumping up and down.

"Of course we can!" I reply laughing.

"Ok I hide. You count." She says as she runs off to go hide. I then begin to count to 20.

"20! Ready or not, here I come!" I yell and start to look for her. I walk upstairs and go into Finn and I's room, noticing small feet under the bed.

"Hmm, I wonder where Mila is?" I ask. I then hear her giggle from under the bed. I crouch down and yell "found you!" She giggles and gets out from under the bed.

"My turn to count!" She says as she closes her eyes. I run out of the room and go into hers. I hide behind her bedroom door. A few seconds later, I hear small footsteps coming into her room.

"Got you!" She exclaims as she closes the door, revealing me behind it.

"Can we do something else now?" She asks.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" I ask back.

"Can we paint?" She asks excitedly.

"Sure!" I reply. I then walk downstairs and go over to the art supplies cabinet and grab some water colors, paper, and paintbrushes. I then walk over to the sink and grab a glass of water for the brushes. After I grabbed everything, I placed it all on the outside table.

"Ok Mila, come out side!" I yell. I then see my beautiful daughter running outside. I immediately pick her up and spin her around.

"I love you so much!" I exclaim and kiss her head.

"I love you too mommy." Mila says making my heart melt.

"Do you wanna paint now?" I ask her. She nods her head so I walk over to the table and place her in one of the chairs.

"Ok so here are the water colors. If you want to use a new color, wash the brush off in the glass of water, ok?" I ask

"Mhm." She replies and begins to paint. I walk over to one of the beach chairs. I decided to post a picture of Mila from her photoshoot that was a few weeks ago.

MillieBobbyWolfhard: 1,389,352 likes

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MillieBobbyWolfhard: 1,389,352 likes. 727,298 comments.
What a doll❤️

Strangerfan: She's so cute😍💓

DavidHarbour: What an adorable little girl! Can't wait to find out the gender of your next baby!💞

WyattOleff: Awwww! I can't wait to babysit her sometime!

FinnWolfhardOfficial: Our doll❤️
^CalebMclaughlin: Finn! Get off your phone and talk to me!
^FinnWolfhardOfficial: I'm sorry but I got a notification saying that my wife posted a picture! And your on your phone too if your responding to me!
^CalebMclaughlin: how about we both get off our phones
^FinnWolfhardOfficial: I agree
^MillieBobbyWolfhard: Hi baby😘
^FinnWolfhardOfficial: heyyy😘😘
^CalebMclaughlin: FINN!!!😡

NoahSchnapp: Beautiful😍💕💓💝💘💗

^Fillieforever: true statement.
^MillieBobbyWolfhard: Aww Thanks Maddie! Ly2!😘💖

After looking, laughing, and smiling at the comments, I went back over to Mila.

"How are you doing baby?" I ask her

"Good! I'm done now!" She says holding up the paper showing a bunch of different colored scribbles trying to form something.

"What is it?" I ask her

"It's you!" She replies. I smile and kiss her cheek.

"Awwww I love it! Well done!" I say. I then yawn feeling really tired.

"Do you want to watch tv so I can take a little nap?" I ask her

"Yeah!" She responds. I pick her up and take her back inside. I then gave her the remote to pick something to watch. I walk over to the couch and lay down. A few seconds after, Mila comes over and lays down next to me, snuggling up to me. I kiss her head and drift off to sleep.


Sorry for the boring chapter, I couldn't really think of anything to write about.

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