Gender reveal

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Millie's POV~

The past couple months have been amazing! My baby bump is now showing and I'm so excited! Just 5 more months and then this baby will be in my arms.

Today, Finn and I are going to find out the gender of the baby. All of our friends are here to visit us so we're going to be doing a gender reveal when we get home.

"You ready?" Finn asks as we pull up to the doctors

"Mhm" I reply and get out the car. Finn comes over to me and grabs my hand with an exciting look on his face. He then uses his other hand to run my stomach.

"If your a boy or a girl, I'm going to be so excited either way!" He tells the baby. I then giggle as we continue walking inside.

I'm getting my ultrasound done right now while Finn is sitting on the chair next to me, playing with one of my hands.

"Are you ready to know what the gender is?" The nurse asks. Finn and I both nod rapidly in response

"Well... you have a very healthy baby girl on the way!" The nurse informs us. I then start crying from happiness and notice Finn doing the same.

"Congratulations you two, your free to go." She says. Finn and I quickly thank her and leave with wide smiles on our faces.

"I can't believe we're having a girl!" I exclaim while getting in the car. Finn then gives me a kiss and starts to drive back home.

Once we got there, everyone sat on the couch so we could tell them the news.

"We're having a girl!" Finn and I yell at the same time. Everyone soon came up to hug us and say things like "congratulations" "I'm so excited" "we're so happy for you"

The rest of our time together consisted of all of us hanging out, eating, and watching movies. Eventually, everyone had to head back to their homes due to jobs or kids. Sadie and Caleb decided to stay a little longer though.

"How about we go swimming?" Finn suggests. Sadie and I share glances at each other showing the look of "We're self-conscious about our bodies" due to us being pregnant. Finn and Caleb soon catch on.

"You both are beautiful no matter what. Plus you'll both go back to your hot bodies when the babies are born" Caleb says with a smirk

"Do you just call my wife beautiful and that she has a hot body?! Only I can say that!" Finn exclaims with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. We all laugh and put on our bathing suits.

After I changed into mine, Finn started whistling at me. Like the kind of whistles boys do when they think a girls hot.

"Shut it Wolfhard" I say while playfully hitting his chest

"Okay... Wolfhard" he replies with a smirk. He then picks me up bridal style and carries me outside.

"How can you carry me, I probably weigh a ton!" I say laughing

"Your not that much heavier. Plus before you were pregnant, you weighed as much as a feather" he says laughing as well. He then carefully sets me down on the ground while him and Caleb jump in the water.

"How's your hubby doin?" Sadie asks me while sitting down beside me

"Great, he's so caring, sweet, and amazing! I couldn't ask for anyone else! What about yours?" I ask

"Same answer as you" she says with a smile.

"And how are you doing?" Sadie asks the baby girl in my stomach.

"She's doing really well! I'm so excited!" I respond smiling

"That's good to hear! I can't wait for both of our kids to become best friends like us!" Sadie says with a smile. I then nod while looking down at her stomach

"When will you find out the gender?" I ask

"In like a week. I want a girl but Caleb wants a boy." She says shrugging. I then nod and smile at the same time. Soon, our husbands come wandering over to us, both of them soaking wet.

"Now we're not going to through you in the water due to those precious beans" Finn starts while pointing to Sadie and I's stomachs. "But we advise you both to get in the water before we tackle you with hugs and sloppy kisses from our soaking wet bodies." He finishes. Sadie and I quickly stand up and head to the water. The boys laugh behind us and follow us in.

Later that night, Sadie and Caleb went back home and Finn and I went to bed. I'm so excited to have a little girl running around the house while throwing glitter everywhere. I'll just make Finn clean it up anyways. I smile at the thought in my head and drift off to sleep in Finns arms.

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