Beach Day

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Finns POV~

"Get up! Get up!" I hear Mila yell as she jumps on Millie and I.

"Mila, it's only 7." Millie says sleepily

"I'm bored!" Mila exclaims now sitting on Millie's lap.

"She really needs a sister." Millie says while sighing. As she turns to look at me, I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows up and down.

"Later." Millie says smirking. Yes!

"Come on!" Mila whines.

"Ok I'm coming." I say as I get out of bed.

"Mommy. Hair time." Mila says. Millie then gets out of bed and picks Mila up and takes her to the bathroom. I head downstairs to make pancakes. I cut up the pancakes into tiny pieces for Mila and plopped 2 down on a different plate for Millie.

"Daddy!" Mila yells as she runs in the room.

"I love your hair!" I tell her as I pick her up and carry her to the table

"Mommy did it." She says giggling

"I know" I reply with a smile.

"Oooo pancakes!" She yells and begins to eat them. I then feel Millie's arms snake around me from behind.

"Thanks" She says softly and kisses the back of my neck.

"No problem. Go eat!" I say smiling. She then walks over to the table and sits down next to Mila. I place her plate of pancakes down and grab mine from the kitchen.

"What are we doing today?" Mila asks

"I don't know. We're thinking about staying home today and just having a chill day." I say

"But I wanna have fun!" She whines

"Hmmm, do you want to go swimming?" I ask her

"I don't know how." She says looking down.

"I know, mommy and I will hold onto you at all times. We'll help you." I say making her smile. After we finished eating, Millie went off to get her swimsuit on and help Mila get hers on. I went to get mine on and then went back downstairs to the living room.

"Done!" Mila yells as she runs into the living room as well. She was wearing a sparkly pink one suit that we got her. I'm not letting her wear bikinis until she's 30. Yes, I know she's just 3 right now but I'm protective ok!

"Im done too!" I hear Millie yell as she walks down the stairs in her bikini. She finally reaches me and stares at me with confusion. I then came to realize that I've been staring at her while drooling cause she looked so fucking hot!

"Finn close your mouth! Your drooling!" Millie informs me laughing

"Fuck your hot!" I say extremely loud. I then realized what I just said and looked over to Mila who had a confused face.

"What does fu-" Mila starts but I cut her off.

"No! It means something very bad that you can't say." I tell her

"But you said it." She says pouting

"Well... just don't say it." I say. She nods and grabs mine and Millie's hand and drags us outside.

"Hold me" Mila says reaching her hands up, gesturing for me to hold her. I pick her up and take her to the water.

"Don't drop." She says with worry

"I won't baby, don't worry." I tell her. She nods her head but then hides her head in my neck once my feet touch the water.

"Scary" she mumbles.

"Do you not want to go in?" I ask

"Uh uh." She says still hiding her head in my neck. I then walk back over to the sand and place her down next to her toys.

"Do you want me to show you how to build a sandcastle?" I ask her. Her face brightens up and she nods yes. Millie then comes over to sit my us.

"Hey babe." She says as she kisses my cheek. I then look over to her and can't take my eyes off of her partially exposed chest.

"Finn your drooling again." She says laughing. My eyes then travel to her lips as I lean in to kiss her. She gives me a small peck but then leans away.

"That was to short." I say pouting.

"Finn, Mila's right there. We can't make out in front of her." She informs me laughing.

"Yeah yeah." I say and proceed to help with building Mila's sandcastle.

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