Love and Lights

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Time skip to 3 months later. Btw I forgot how many weeks or months it's been since Millie found out about being pregnant and I'm to lazy to check, so let's just say she's 5 months pregnant now. Also read the very important A/N at the bottom. Also again, I have to go to a 4th of July parade so I don't have time to proofread. And happy 4th of July!

Millie's POV~

4 more months until my baby boy will be in this world! Finn and I were so excited when we found out the baby's gender. We found out about a week ago and today we're going to tell Mila.

"Mila baby, come downstairs! Daddy and I have some exciting news!" I yell for Mila. I then see her run out of her room and slowly climb down the stairs.

"What is it?" She asks excitedly.

"Let's go in the living room where daddy is so we can both tell you." I say to my smiling girl.

"Ok." She says while running to the living room and jumping on Finns lap.

"Ok Mila, you know how mommy has a baby in her tummy?" Finn asks as I take a seat next to him on the couch.

"Mhm" Mila replies while playing with Finns hair.

"Well we found out that the baby's going to be a boy!" Finn says smiling. Mila's smile soon leaves her face and she stares at Finn and I with a glare.

"No it's not. It's a girl." She says.

"Baby, why don't you want a little brother?" I ask sadly.

"Because boys stink. Sorry daddy. I want a little sister because I can play dolls and dress up with them!" She exclaims

"Yeah but your baby brother can do other things like paint with you, watch tv with you, play outside in the sand and water with you, and lots of other fun things." I say as I hold her small hand.

"He can?" She asks smiling.

"Mhm." Finn says smiling while playing with her hair now.

"YAY!" She exclaims. Finn and I laugh at her change in mood and excitement.

"Wanna go swimming?" I ask Finn and Mila

"Yeah!" Mila exclaims again and runs upstairs.

"She's so cute." I say smiling as my little girl runs upstairs.

"So are you." Finn says as he begins to kiss my neck and lightly suck on some parts.

"Finn. Stop. N-not now." I say trying to break away.

"Ugh fine." Finn says fake pouting.

"Come on, let's get our swimsuits on." I tell him while standing up and grabbing his hand, making him stand up as well.

"So your telling me that I get to see your hot body in a swimsuit?" Finn asks while smirking.

"Finn, you literally see me every morning and night with less clothing than that." I state smirking as well.
He smirks even more but I roll my eyes and begin to walk up the stairs. Once I get to our room, I grab a bikini and change into it. I heard Finn helping Mila in her bedroom which made me smile. When I was done getting changed, I walked out of the room and went into Mila's.

"Finn get your swim shorts on. I'll help Mila." I say walking over to them. Finn then looks away from Mila and stares at me. His eyes shift from my face and slowly make their way down to my legs.

"Damn. That's mine." Finn says smirking and biting his lip.

"Oh shut up." I say as he stands up. He then begins to rub my stomach and kiss me.

"Finn go get ready." I say breaking the kiss. He smiles and kisses my lips once more and then kisses my stomach.

"Go." I say to him. He playfully rolls his eyes and walks out of the room.

"Gosh, your fathers annoying." I say slightly laughing. I then begin to help Mila with her bathing suit and hair.

"All done." I say as I finish the two braids in her hair.

"Ooooo I love it!" She exclaims, looking at the mirror.

"Let's go." I say picking her up and walking out of the room.

"Finn!" I yell for him.

"I'm outside!" I hear him yell back. I then walk downstairs and outside with Mila still in my arms. I set her down to go play in the sand and I make my way over to Finn.

"Hey sexy." Finn says.

"Oh my god." I say face palming myself.

"What's up with you today? You've been acting so flirty and stuff." I say leaning on one hip.

"Nothing." Finn replies shrugging his shoulders.

"Whatever." I say rolling my eyes.

"Get up and let's go play with our daughter." I say to him.

"Ok." He says getting up from the chair.

"Can I go in the water?" Mila asks.

"Yeah." I say picking her up. I walk to the water with Finn following behind me.

"Can you hold onto me so I don't drown?" Mila asks.

"Of course baby." I say. I then walk into the water and keep walking until the water gets to my stomach. Mila giggles and splashes her feet in the water as I still hold her tightly in my arms.

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask Finn. Finn nods so I pass Mila over to him. I walk out of the water and walk over to one of the beach chairs. I take a seat and smile at the two love and light's of my life. I then look down at my stomach and smile at the third that's on the way.


Ok so I'm gonna end the book with this chapter cause I can't think of any ideas to end the book. I'll do an epilogue chapter if you guys want it. Also I'm sorry I don't update everyday. I've been really busy and I can't really think of any ideas to write about. But thanks so much for reading these two books! I'll write another Fillie book soon but idk when that will be. Anyways, comment if you want an epilogue chapter.

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