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Millie's POV~

"Finn! Can you get the door?" I yell as I get dressed. Wyatt's probably here now since he's babysitting Mila today. Finn and I have to go to a photoshoot and then we're going out with Sadie and Caleb for dinner. Their dropping Clara off at our house before we go to dinner because we want to sit at the bar. Hopefully Wyatt can handle both of them.

"Hey Wyatt." I hear Finn say from downstairs. Once I was finished getting dressed, I went downstairs as well.

"Hi!" I exclaim and walk over to hug Wyatt.

"Mila! Uncle Wyatt's here!" Finn yells for Mila.

"You ready to babysit?" I ask Wyatt.

"Hell Yeah!" He exclaims in response making Finn and I laugh.

"Uncle Wyatt!" Mila yells while running over to him. He picks her up and spins her around causing her to giggle.

"Well we should get going now." I say and take Mila from Wyatt.

"You be good ok baby?" I ask my little girl.

"Yes mommy." She says sweetly. I smile and pass her over to Finn.

"I love you Mila, have fun with Wyatt and Clara when she comes over." Finn says and kisses her cheek. He then places her back down on the ground.

"Ok bye guys! Have fun!" I exclaim while Finn and I leave the house.

"You think Wyatt will be able to handle both of them?" Finn asks as we get in the car.

"Hopefully." I say laughing.

Wyatt's POV~

"So Mila, what would you like to do?" I ask

"Do you wannna play with dolls?" She asks squealing.

"Sure." I respond. She then takes my hand, leading me to the living room.

"Here you can have the dolly that you played with last time." She says as she hands me a doll.

"Thanks Mila." I say.

"My dolls name is Mila cause that's my name." She says. I nod in response.

"Wyatt do you want to go to the store?" Mila says as her doll.

"Ok!" I say as my doll. We both make our dolls walk to her toy grocery store.

"Let's get cookies!" Mila exclaims as her doll.

After a while of playing with dolls, Mila said she was bored of it.

"Can we go outside and play in the water?" Mila asks.

"Yeah! Do you want to get your swim suit on?" I ask

"Yeah. Oh but you need one." She says

"Yeah it's ok. I don't ne-" I begin to say but she cuts me off.

"You can just barrow one of daddy's." Mila says.

"Oh ok." I reply. She then runs upstairs and soon comes back down with, I'm guessing, one of Finns swim shorts.

"Thanks Mila." I say as she hands it to me. She then grabs my hand and takes me to the bathroom.

"Go change." She instructs. I laugh and close the bathroom door. I then hear little footsteps running up the stairs. After I was dressed, I came out the bathroom and notice Mila in her onesuit that is on backwards and inside out.

"Oh Mila." I say laughing and walking over to her.

"What?" She asks

"Your swimsuit is on backwards and is inside out." I tell her

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