Our little model

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Millie's POV~

Today Finn had to go to an interview with Caleb so Mila and I have just been hanging out at home.

"Mommy, I'm Bored." Mila says pouting. I then walk over to her and pick her up.

"Hmmm, what do you want to do?" I ask her. She just shrugs her shoulders.

"I have an idea! How about we play dress up and I take a few pictures of you?" I ask her smiling. She then nods and smiles as well.

"Ok go find a cute outfit to wear from your dress up box." I tell her as I put her down. She then runs over to her dress up box and picks up a pink princess dress.

"Perfect!" I exclaim as I help her put it on.

"Do you want me to do your hair too?" I ask

"Mhm" she responds. I then take her to the bathroom and put her curly chestnut colored hair into pigtails.

"Mommy?" She asks as I finish tying the last hair tie into her hair.

"Yeah?" I ask

"What are these?" She asks as she points to her freckles. I smile and lightly laugh.

"Those are called freckles. You got them from daddy." I say as I pick her up from the counter and place her back down on the floor.

"Bad?" She asks with worry

"No, they're a good thing! They make you even more beautiful!" I say. She then nods and smiles. I smile back as I take her to the backyard.

"Here how about you sit by this sand castle you and daddy built yesterday." I say as I take Mila's tiny hand and lead her to the sandcastles. She sits down next to one as I give her a shovel to pose with. I grab my camera and take a few photos of her. It's hard for me to say but I think she's almost a better model than me! It's like she was born for this!

"Beautiful Mila!" I say as I take the camera away from my face.

"I wanna see!" Mila says as she stands up from the sand castle. I show her the pictures on my camera.

"Pretty." She says smiling as I smile back.

"Millie! Mila!" I hear Finn yell from inside. Mila then instantly runs back inside as I see Finn pick her up from the backyard door and he begins to walk towards me.

"Hey babe." Finn says as he finally reaches me. I give him a quick peck on the lips.

"Hey how was the interview?" I ask as we head inside.

"It was great! The asked how my two princesses were and I said they were beautiful as ever." Finn says kissing Mila's head making her giggle.

"Oh! You have to see these pictures I took of Mila! She's a natural at modeling!" I say taking out my camera and showing him the pictures.

"Wow! She's gorgeous." He says smiling at the pictures.

"Our little model." I say smiling at Mila.

"Well I guess she got her gorgeousness from you." I say as he puts Mila back on the ground and walks over to the couch.

"And you!" Finn says. I smile and giggle in response. Finn opens his arms out, motioning for me to come over to him. I then walk over to him and sit on his lap as he wraps his arms around me. I gently kiss him and smile at him as I pull away. He smiles back and I lean my forehead against his.

"I love you so much." I say

"I love you too. So, so much." Finn responds and kisses my nose.


Sorry for the short-ish chapter, I had a long day of school and dance so I didn't really feel like writing much today. But I hoped you still liked the chapter!

Love and Light// FillieWhere stories live. Discover now