Friends and dolls

526 30 35

Finns POV~

Today Wyatt and Sophia are coming over along with Iris and Gaten. Jaeden was over as well because Lilia and Kylie went to go visit Lilias parents. Jaeden had to stay because he had a photoshoot.

"18-19-20! Ready or not, here I come!" Jaeden exclaims. Him and Mila are playing hide and seek while I make everyone lunch.

"Did Mila come in here?" I hear Jaeden ask Millie in the living room.

"No. And if she did, I wouldn't tell you Jae." Millie says.

"Whatever." Jaeden says and walks into the kitchen.

"Did-" Jaeden starts but I cut him off.

"Nope." I say smirking.

"Ugh!" He whines and runs upstairs to look for her.

"Here babe." I say as I walk into the living room, holding the salad I made for Millie.

"Thanks." She says as I hand it to her.

"FOUND YOU!" We hear Jaeden yell from upstairs.

"Stop it! That tickles!" Mila yells giggling. Millie and I look at each other and smile.

"IM HERE BITCHES!" I hear Sophia yell from the front door.

"Sophia!" Millie exclaims and goes over to the door to hug Sophia. Jaeden comes downstairs carrying Mila, then setting her on the ground when he reached the bottom of the staircase.

"Sophia!" Jaeden exclaims as well and walks over to hug her. Once they're both done hugging her, I give her a hug as well. Then Wyatt finally walks through the door.

"Wyatt!" I exclaim and give him a hug. Millie and Jaeden do the same as well. Mila then walks over and stands behind Millie, holding on to her leg.

"Mila baby, this is Auntie Sophia and Uncle Wyatt." Millie says picking up Mila and kissing her cheek.

"Hi." Mila says softly and buries her head into Millie's neck.

"Mila, it's ok. I don't bite." Sophia says lightly laughing. Mila then looks up and giggles

"You have hair like Auntie Sadie." Mila says giggling making me smile.

"Yeah I do." Sophia says giggling as well.

"And you have hair like me and daddy." Mila says reaching over to touch Wyatt's hair, making him smile.

"Down." Mila says wiggling out of Millie's grip. Millie puts her down and Mila grabs Wyatt's hand, pulling him into the living room. Sophia, Millie, and I laugh at the scene.

"Do you wanna play dolls with me?" Mila asks.

"Sure!" Wyatt exclaims

"I'm naming this dolly Wyatt cause that's your name." Mila says holding up one of her dolls.

"Well thanks Mila." Wyatt says and they begin playing with the dolls.

"How cute." I hear Millie say from behind me. I turn around and smile at her.

After a few hours of playing with dolls and stuff, we all decided to watch a movie. Also, Iris and Gaten came over about an hour ago and played dolls with us as well. Isabella and Mila are sitting on Mila's beanbag and the rest of us are sitting on the couches.

"What movie should we watch?" I ask

"How about IT?" Wyatt suggests.

"How about no. There are 2 little kids here!" Millie exclaims with sass.

"Yep. They all were right about being sassy when pregnant." Wyatt says under his breath.

"I heard you!" Millie says

"Ok let's not get into an argument and let's just pick a movie." Jaeden says.

"Thank you Jaeden." Sophia says.

"Oooo I know! Rapunzel!" Mila exclaims

"Yeah!" Isabella yells

"Great idea girls!" Millie replies. I then set up the movie and we all begin to watch it.

"I'm sitting on your lap." Mila says sternly to Wyatt. He laughs and picks her up to place her on his lap.

"Hehe." Mila says and plays with his hair. The rest of us slightly laugh and smile at the two.

A bit later, the movie ends. I look over and see Mila sleeping on Wyatt's chest.

"Awwwwwww." We all say.

"Oh Wyatt! Sophia! What is the news you both had to tell us?" Iris asks

"Oh umm." Wyatt begins while moving Mila off of him and setting her on the couch. He kisses her small head and stands up.

"Sophia and I..." He continues and grabs Sophia's hands, making her stand up from the couch.

"Are getting married!" Sophia finishes. We all cheer and congratulate them on their engagement.

"Can I be the flower girl?" Isabella asks

"Uh uh. I'm the flower girl." Mila says

"No I am!" Isabella yells

"No I am!" Mila yells back.

"Girls. Girls. You both can be flower girls." Wyatt says

"YAY!" The girls exclaim and run over to hug him. Wyatt picks them both up and kisses their cheeks. They both let out small giggles.

"Your guys' girls are adorable." Wyatt says looking at all of us.

"You all make me miss my girls even more." Jaeden says pouting.

"They're coming back soon Jaeden." Gaten says.

"Yeah I know." Jaeden says.

"Doll time!" Mila yells. We all then start to play with her dolls again.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY KarinaIsabelle04

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