Exciting surprise

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Millie's POV~

"Here I go again" I groan and run into the bathroom. Finn and I were peacefully sleeping but I had to get sick. I've been throwing up all night!

Finn jumps out of bed and and rushes to the bathroom as well. He holds my hair up so the puke won't get on it.

"Sorry you have to see me like this" I say while I clean my mouth up

"Millie, everytime I look at you, it doesn't matter if your sick, angry, sad, or anything, your still beautiful" He tells me. I then throw up again. Ughhhhh when will this be over!?

"Maybe we shou-" finn starts but I cut him off

"Uh uh, no doctor" I say in a babyish/ whiny voice.

"Are you sure?" He asks

"Yes." I say firmly

"Alright, let's go back to bed" he says

It's now 9am and I've still been throwing up. Finn went to go get some medicine and snacks that I wanted from the store. I decided to call Sadie and tell her what's happening. After a couple rings, she answers.

"Hey Millie"

"Hi Sadie, I've been throwing up all morning and it's so annoying! I've never been this sick in my life and I'm worried, do you mind co-" She then hung up the phone cutting me off. Oh well she's probably busy with Caleb anyways.

Sadie's POV~

"Hi Sadie, I've been throwing up all morning and it's so annoying! I've never been this sick in my life and I'm worried, do you mind co-" I quickly hung up and got in my car. I know exactly what's going on.

I quickly drove to the store and ran in. I went to the feminine product aisle and picked up a pregnancy test box. I then run out of the aisle and see Finn. Shit. I turn around and run the other direction. I hope he didn't see me. I quickly paid and ran out as fast as I could. I got in my car and drove to Millie's.

Millie's POV~

Sadie soon came bursting through my door and ran up to my room. She was carrying a plastic bag with a box in it. Wonder what's in it. She then pulls out a pregnancy test and hands it to me.

"Sadie? You think... I'm pregnant?" I ask with and excited voice

"Yes! Well maybe, take the test and we'll see." She squeals. I then go in the bathroom and do what I need to do. I then sit and wait for a couple minutes for the test to process.

"Millie, can I come in?" Sadie asks on the other side of the door.

"When it's done, I want to see it first." I say sassily but kindly

"People were correct, girls can be bitchy when they're pregnant" Sadie says with a giggle. I then playfully roll my eyes and realize that the test should be ready by now. I take in a deep breath and exhale. I slowly pick up the test and read it. My eyes begin to fill with tears. Not sad tears but happy tears. OH MY GOD! IM PREGNANT! I'm pregnant!!!!!

"Are you okay Millie?" Sadie asks. I then open up the door and show her the test with me still smiling and crying.

"Oh my god Millie! Your pregnant! Congratulations!" Sadie exclaims while hugging me. I then hear the bedroom door open. I see Finn standing at the door with a confused face but smiling. I quickly hid the test behind my back.

"Millie, what's behind your back?" Finn asks coming closer to me

"And why are you crying?" He asks. I then back up and eventually hit the wall. Finn then picks me up and sets me on the bed playfully by carefully. He grabs the test out of my hands and examines it with a confused face. I then start crying from happiness even more with a giant smile on my face. Finn soon realizes what it is and looks at me with a shocked, confused, but happy face.

"Millie... is this a pre-" he starts but I cut him off my nodding really fast. His face soon changes from confusion and shocked to even more happiness and excitement.

"Your preg-" I cut him off again by nodding. My hand is now covering my mouth to keep myself from crying even harder.

"I'm going to be a dad?! I'm going to be a dad!" Finn exclaims while jumping around the room like a 3 year old. I then laugh as he comes over to me and picked me up by my waist. He then spins me around and puts me back down. Sadie then leaves by giving us a small wave. I mouth "Thank you" to her as she leaves. I turn back to Finn and give him a short but meaningful kiss.

"Come on, we're going to celebrate by going out to lunch!" Finn says with excitement. I then giggle in response and begin to get ready.

Your all invited to my funeral

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Your all invited to my funeral.

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