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I'm so bad at making up chapter titles. So I'm sorry if they make like no sense.😂😂😂 Anyways, I hope you like the chapter, there's going to be a little spice but if I went to far, please tell me!

Finns POV~

After Millie, Mila and I played at the beach, we went out for lunch and then came back home. Mila's currently playing with her dolls while Millie and I are sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Mommy look!" I hear Mila exclaim. Millie and I turn our heads to look at her and see her holding up one of her dolls that she dressed. She put the clothes on backwards but I'm obviously not going to tell her that.

"Cute!" Millie exclaims as she walks over to her and picks her up. She then kisses all over Mila's face as Mila giggles.

"Mommy stop! It tickles!" She says. I smile and stand up too. I go over to them and take Mila out of Millie's arms. I start kissing all over her face just like Millie did.

"Daddy! Stop it!" Mila says giggling. I then stop and place her on the couch.

"Tv!" Mila exclaims. I then walk over to the remote and change it to Disney junior. She then focuses on the tv.

"Daddy and I will be upstairs, ok Mila?" Millie asks. I look at her with slight confusion. She then winks at me and I smirk in response.

"Mhm" Mila says as Millie and I walk upstairs. We then head into our room as Millie jumps up on me. I catch her legs and hold onto thighs so she won't fall. I then close our bedroom door. She leans in to kiss me but I stop her.

"Millie, why now?" I ask slightly laughing

"You said later, and it's later." She states as she leans in to kiss me again. I then immediately kiss back and soon enough, that kiss turns into making out. I walk over to one of the walls and pin her against it as I trail kisses down her neck and collarbones. She then jumps down and pushes me onto the bed. She crawls on top of me and pulls off my shirt. She then starts kissing my neck aggressively. Once she found my soft spot, I let out a moan. God, I hope Mila didn't hear that. I then flip her around and start aggressively kissing her lips again. I feel her tugging my hair as she moves her legs to each side of my hips. I start to kiss her neck again making her moan as well.

"What are you doing?" I hear Mila say. I whip my head around and see Mila standing by our bed.

"Daddy! What happened to your neck?" She asks. Shit. I then realize I'm still on top of Millie so I instantly stand up.

"Oh uhh, I fell." I say

"Did mommy fall too?" She asks. I turn around and notice Millie standing behind me with hickeys on her neck as well.

"Yeah!" Millie says laughing.

"Clumsy." Mila mumbles then starts giggling.

"Mhm clumsy." I repeat smirking and looking at Millie.

"I'm hungry." Mila says.

"Mila, we just went out to lunch." I say.

"That was forever ago!" She says whining. I then look over to the clock and see that it's been at least 2 hours. We've been making out for that long? Well I guess we were watching tv for a while.

"Ok I'll get you something." Millie says as she leaves the room with Mila but smirking and winking at me first. I then throw my shirt back on and follow them downstairs.

"I want cookies." Mila says firmly and sassily. Guess she got her sassiness from Millie.

"Mila, you've had to many cookies today." Millie says sweetly so Mila won't get as upset.

"What about broccoli or green beans?" Millie suggests

"Icky!" Mila exclaims with a disgusted face making me silently laugh.

"How about apples?" Millie asks

"Peanut butter too?" Mila asks

"Sure!" Millie exclaims making Mila smile. Millie then proceeds to get her apples and peanut butter.

"Daddy! Your hair!" Mila points at my hair laughing. I make a confused face and walk over to the mirror in the living room. I notice how my hair is all messed up from Millie running her hands through it. I quickly fix my hair and head back to the kitchen.

"It's mommy's fault." I say smirking at Millie. Mila giggles and starts to eat her snack. I then walk over behind Millie and snake my arms around her waist.

"Your right, it is mommy's fault." Millie says as she turns around and starts to kiss me.

"Woah woah woah, not in front of Mila." I say as I back away laughing.

"Ughhh fine!" Millie says fake pouting.

"Hey Mila, do you want Clara to come over today?" Millie asks Mila.

"Yeah!" Mila yells. I smile at her excitement and steal one of her apple slices.

"Hey! Mine!" Mila says with a angered face.

"Sorry." I laugh and then run away as she begins to chase me. Before she catches me, I turn around and scoop her in my arms making her giggle.

"Daddy! Down!" She says giggling. I then place her back down on the ground as she runs to her toys. I smile at her cuteness and head back to the kitchen.

"I love you Finn." Millie says as she walks over to me and hugs me.

"I love you too baby." I say kissing her forehead. She smiles and rests her forehead on mine.

"Mommy! Daddy! Come play with me!" Mila yells. Millie and I smile and walk over to her. We then start to play with her dolls and pretending to make them talk. After a lot of laughs and playing with her dolls, Mila then dozed off to sleep.

"Are Sadie and Caleb bringing Clara over?" I ask Millie as I pick Mila up from the ground and take her to the couch. I then gently place a blanket over her and softly pick up her small head and place a pillow underneath her head.

"They're at Lillias right now." She says.

"Oh ok." I say as I finish tucking Mila in.

"Wanna continue what we were doing earlier?" Millie asks smirking.

"Hell yes!" I exclaim but not to loud so Mila won't wake up. Millie then runs over to me and jumps on me again. I catch her and carry her to our room. Fuck I love her!

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