Sweet little Mila

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Finns POV~

Once Mila and I got home from the park, we decided to FaceTime Millie.

"Hey baby!" I say to Millie.

"Hey babe! Hi princess!" Millie says smiling and waving. Mila giggles and buries her face in my neck.

"Say hi to mommy" I say kissing Mila's cheek.

"Hi mommy!" Mila says waving.

"How are you both?" Millie asked. I set Mila back on the ground as she went to go play with her toys.

"Meh. We just got back from the park and there was this annoying bitch there trying to get with me. But I told her I'm married and that I have a daughter, so she fucked off." I say

"I'll smack her when I get back." Millie mutters and I laugh.

"But Mila's good though. She had a tantrum because I said no for getting ice cream. But then we made a deal that she can get some tomorrow but then no more for a week." I tell her

"Oh Mila" Millie says shaking her head as she smiles and laughs.

"Well I'll be back tomorrow and I miss you both tons!" Millie says.

"We miss you too. And love you." I say smiling at her as she smiles back.

"I'm gonna get going now but I love you too!" Millie says.

"Mila say bye to mommy." I tell Mila as she comes over to the phone.

"Bye mommy. I love you!" Mila says giggling. I smile at Mila and then smile at Millie. Millie smiles back as we end the call.

"What now daddy?" Mila asks as she picks up one of her dolls and begins to dance around with it. I smile at her cuteness and pick her up.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask the small girl in my arms.

"Yeah!" She exclaims.

Millie's POV~

"Bye mommy. I love you!" Mila says sweetly as we end the call.

"Did you tell him?" Sadie asks

"No" I sigh

"But you said you would tell him next time you guys call each other!" Sadie exclaims.

"I will when we get back tomorrow. I wanna see his reaction in person." I say smiling.

"Alright." Sadie says sighing but smiling.

"Hey wanna go out to eat?" I ask her

"Sure, but let's get ready first." She says.

Finns POV~

After Mila and I watched a movie, I put her to bed and I went into my room and watched some tv.

"Daddy?" I hear Mila whisper from the bedroom door.

"Yes baby?" I turn to look at her.

"Can I sleep wif you tonight?" She asks sweetly. Her small baby-ish voice makes my heart melt.

"Of course." I say opening the blankets so she can get in. She runs over to the bed and climbs onto it. She lays down with her head on my chest as she hugs her stuffed animal.

"Daddy?" She asks

"Yeah?" I ask as I run my hands through her silky, curly hair.

"I love you." She says burying her head in my chest.

"And I love you princess." I say kissing her head. She giggles and looks up at me.

"You know what mommy told me?" She asks smiling.

"What?" I ask smiling back.

"She said that these..." she points to the freckles on my face and the freckles on her face. "Make us even more beautiful." She says smiling. I smile at her and nod my head.

"Mommy's correct." I say

"I'm tired." Mila says as she yawns.

"How about we get some sleep now cause we have a big day tomorrow. Mommy's coming home and we're going to go to Disneyland!" I say excitedly

"Really!?" Mila exclaims with excitement. I nod my head as she widely smiles.

"Yayyyyy!" She responds. I kiss my sweet little Mila's head as we drift off to sleep.


Sorry this chapter was kinda boring. BUT IM DONE WITH MY PROJECTS!
Also what do you think Millie is going to tell Finn???

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