Milas birthday party

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Millie's POV~

Today is Mila's 3rd birthday! I can't believe she's already 3! Finn and our friends are currently at our house setting up her surprise party. I took Mila out today to do whatever she wants.

"Can I get a toy mommy?" Mila asks as we walk by the toy store.

"Sure!" I say happily and we walk into the store. I let Mila run off to go find a toy. The store is small so it's easy for me to keep an eye on her.

"Mommy! Can I get this dolly?" She asks holding up a Barbie that comes with a toy swimming pool.

"Mila, you have a ton of barbies. Are you sure you want this one?" I ask squatting down to be her height

"But this one comes with a pool." She says pouting.

"Ok. Let's go pay for it." I say standing up. I then go and pay for it. After we pay, Mila and I left the store and decided to get a donut from the bakery.

"This one! This one!" Mila exclaims pointing at a pink frosted donut with sprinkles on top. I then order her donut and we sit down at a booth while she eats it.

"Why didn't you get one mommy?" Mila asks

"I don't know. I don't really feel like eating a donut." I say shrugging. She nods in response and continues to eat her donut. I then pulled out my phone and texted Finn to see if they were almost done setting up.

Finns POV~

"The streamers go here Wyatt." I say correcting Wyatt.

"Sorry gosh." He says rolling his eyes.

"Well I'm sorry but I want this party to be perfect." I say

"Whatever." He says rolling his eyes again.

"You'll understand more when you have kids Wyatt."
Iris says as she covers the outside table with a pink table cloth.

"Mhm." I say agreeing to what Iris said.

"Lilia! Can you help me set up the lights?" Maddie yells.

"Coming!" I hear Lilia yell in response. I then start to tie a princess piñata to one of the trees in the backyard. I suddenly hear screaming and giggling so I look over to my left and see all of our friends children throwing sand at each other. Once I finished tying the piñata, I walked over to the kids.

"What are you all doing?" I ask them smiling.

"They..." Will, Noah and Grace's son, begins to say as he points at Clara and Isabella. "Told me I was stupid because I am the only boy. So I picked up sand and stared to through it at them. Then they started throwing it at me!" Will exclaims.

"But you are stupid!" Isabella exclaims. Clara giggles at what she said.

"No, your stupid." Will says and picks up some sand. I then break up the argument before more sand is thrown at anyone.

"Hey. No throwing sand because it can get in someone's eyes. That won't be good right?" I ask

"Yeah. We're sorry uncle Finn." Will says

"It's ok but you'll know better next time." I say.

"Sadie, can you grab the shovels and buckets to occupy the kids!?" I ask yelling so she can hear me. I hear a faint yes in response.

"Auntie Sadie will bring you guys some toys play with in the sand." I tell them

"Thanks uncle Finn!" Clara exclaims and runs over to hug me. I kneel down to be her height so I can properly hug her.

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