One more month

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Finns POV~

It's been three months since we found out our baby is a girl! I'm extremely excited! We also found out that Sadie was having a girl as well! I'm getting really impatient from waiting and waiting for my baby girl to arrive. But just one more month! One more month and then I get to hold her and everything!

Millie and I went public about the pregnancy when her baby bump was becoming very noticeable. The paparazzi kept bugging us about it so we finally came clean. Everyone was very supportive except the Fuckboy of the century, Jacob Saggytits. He's been hating on us even more since he found out Millie was pregnant. But I won't let anything happen to my two girls!

Millie and I are currently waiting for our chocolate cake we baked to cool down from the oven. Millie's been craving a lot of things lately and when I tell her that she's had to much of something, she'll say "I'm pregnant". Of course I give in, its to hard not too!

Finally the cake is done cooling! Millie started to dig in right away. She's literally stuffing her face with it. So much that she could get sick.

"Ok Millie that's enou-" She cuts me off

"Uh uh, I'm pregnant." She says. Ughhhh

"But Millie! Your going to get sick! The baby might-" Then she cuts me off again

"Ok, ok, no more. I'm full anyways." She says while pushing the plate of cake away from her. I then finish the rest of cake she had on her plate and do the dishes. She then stands up to start helping me.

"Uh uh uh, you go lay down. I'll do the dishes."

"I'm preg-"

"Exactly!" I say laughing but annoyed at the same time.

"I was kidding of course! It's funny when you get annoyed everytime I say that." She says while laughing

"So you keep saying that to annoy me?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

"Mhm" she replies and pecks my lips. She then heads to the couch and goes on her phone.

"I'm inviting Sadie and Caleb over." She informs me. I just say ok in response.

About 30 minutes later, Sadie and Caleb arrived.

"Hey Fillie!" Caleb yells while running in the door. A annoyed Sadie walks in afterwards. Her mood lightens when she sees Millie. The both start talking about stuff while Caleb and I emerge into a conversation.

"You excited to have a baby girl?" Caleb asks while smiling.

"YES!" I exclaim making the girls look at me weird not knowing what we were talking about. Caleb then laughs.

"I mean it's like one of the best things to ever happen to me! I'm so excited! What about you, are you excited to have a girl?" I ask

"Yeah! I'm so excited as well! Sadie won't stop squealing about it though" He says laughing. "She's also had a lot of mood swings lately. Sometimes she's all sweet and giggly or sometimes she's sassy and bossy. It's like she's on her period but worse! And for longer!" He adds still laughing

"I can say the same about Millie" I say laughing as well.

"What are you two laughing about?" Millie asks while walking up to us with a confused face but smiling at the same time.

"Oh nothing" Caleb says while smirking.

"Sadie and I should get going now. It's getting pretty late." Caleb says. We all say our goodbyes as they head out the door.

"I'm gonna FaceTime Iris." Millie says while picking up her laptop and sitting down on the couch. I then follow her and plop down beside her. After a couple rings, Iris face pops up with a cute baby on her lap.

"Hi Iris! And hello Isabella" Millie says smiling while Iris says hi back. Gaten and Iris named their daughter Isabella which fits her perfectly. I then wave to the camera and say hi and well.

"Hey Finn!" Iris says

"Hi, hows Isabella doing" I ask

"She's doing really well! She's almost 1 ½!" Iris exclaims while looking down at the baby in her lap.

"Awwww, she's growing up so fast." Millie says while placing on of her hands over her heart. We then hear Gaten in background.

"Hey Finn and Millie!" Gaten says while coming into the camera

"Hi! How are you?" I ask

"Great! I have two beautiful girls that make me so happy!" Gaten says while kissing Iris and Isabella's heads. Millie and I smile at the two being all lovey dovey.

"Well we should get going now so you three can have family time together, bye!" Millie says. The rest of us say bye as well. Millie then sighs and places her laptop down on the coffee table and turns on the TV. I grab a blanket and place it over us as we cuddle and watch the Kardashian's.

"Finn! Finn! She's kicking!" Millie exclaims while looking down at her stomach. I then gasp and carefully place my hand on her stomach, feeling the baby move around.

"Oh my god!" I exclaim while widely smiling. I then bend down to kiss her stomach. Millie then giggles and kisses my cheek.

"One more month Finn!" She says exclaims while beginning to cry. I then kiss the tears off her face and begin to rub my hand on her stomach. Soon she becomes sleepy and falls asleep on my shoulder. Of course I'm not going to let her sleep on the couch so I picked her up and carried her upstairs. She surprisingly isn't that heavy for being pregnant so it was easy. I then drift off to sleep beside the love of my life.

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