Hanging with Matarazzo's

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Finns POV~

"Auntie Iris!" Mila yells as Iris walks through the door. I laugh at her excitement and Iris picks up Mila.

"Hey sweetie!" Iris says to Mila in her arms. Mila then begins to play with Iris' curly hair.

"You have hair like me and daddy." Mila says giggling.

"Yeah, we do!" Iris responds.

"How about you go say hi to uncle Gaten, he's outside with Isabella." Iris says putting Mila back on the ground. Mila then runs outside to find Gaten.

"Hey Finn." Iris says walking over to me and we give each other a quick hug.

"How's Millie?" She asks

"She's taking a nap right now. She's been having morning sickness all morning so I'm making her rest." I say

"Good husband." Iris says patting my shoulder and heading into the living room. I chuckle in response to her words.

"So what did you have to tell me last night?" I ask sitting down on one of the couches

"About Mila's 3rd birthday party! I was thinking about throwing her a surprise party if you and Millie like that idea?" Iris says

"That would be so cool! I love that idea!" I exclaim smiling

"We're staying for a couple weeks so we'll be here for her birthday!" Iris says

"That's awesome!" I reply as I see Gaten walking through the door carrying Mila in one arm and Isabella in the other.

"Hey Gaten!" I say walking over to him. I take Isabella out of his arms and say hi to her as well.

"Finn guess what!?" Gaten asks excitedly

"Huh?" I ask as I place Isabella on the ground and Gaten does the same with Mila.

"Wyatt and Sophia are coming over tomorrow!" Gaten exclaims.

"Really!? I haven't seen them in forever!" I say smiling widely.

"Yep! And he says he has some news to share as well." Gaten says wiggling his eyebrows up and down.


"Maybe! We'll see if that's the news!" Gaten responds.

"Iris! Gaten!" I hear from the staircase. I turn around and see my stunning wife running down the stairs. She then runs to each of them and giving them a quick hug. After hugging them, she picks Isabella up and spins her around causing the small girl to giggle.

"I'm so happy you guys are here!" Millie exclaims

"We are too!" Iris says while laughing at Millie's excitement.

"Hey! Who wants to go out to lunch?" Gaten yells

"I DO!" Everyone yells at the same time.

Millie's POV~

After hanging with the Matarazzo's for the whole day, they eventually went home. Mila, Finn, and I are currently watching The Little Mermaid in the living room. Finn and I are snuggled up to each other with Mila sitting in the middle of us, on our laps.

"Pretty." Mila says pointing at Ariel.

"But not as pretty as you, my little princess." I say to her and kiss her little nose. She giggles and buries her head into my chest. We then continue to watch the movie.


Sorry for posting late. I'm on a vacation and only got time to write it now. At 12:00am 😂
I'm really tired so if this chapter isn't good, I'm sorry. But I hope you liked it!

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