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Millie's POV~

A few weeks have passed ever since I told Finn I was pregnant. I'm so excited to have another child in my arms!

"Babe!" I hear Finn yell from upstairs.

"Yes?!" I yell as I finish doing Mila's hair in the downstairs bathroom.

"Guess what?" He says once he reaches the bathroom.

"The whole gang is coming over today!" He says with excitement. I widely smile and he does the same.

"Mila! Your going to meet your aunts, uncles, and cousins!" I tell Mila. She smiles in response.

"What time will they be here?" I ask Finn.

"Well Lilia and Jaeden are coming over with Sadie and Caleb in a few. Grace and Noah just arrived at the airport. Iris and Gaten are on their way. Maddie and Jack will be here in a couple hours." He says smiling.

"Great!" I exclaim smiling. I can't wait to meet their kids in person.

"Auntie Millie!" Clara exclaims as she runs through the door. I pick her up and spin her around.

"How are you pretty girl?" I ask causing her to giggle.

"Good." She says smiling. I put her back on the ground as she ran to Finn and Mila. Sadie and Caleb walk through the door and I give each of them a hug.

"So how's pregnancy number 2?" Caleb asks.

"It's amazing! I do have horrible morning sickness though." I sigh.

"Yeah that part sucks." Sadie says laughing. I rapidly nod in agreement. I then see Lilia and Jaeden who's carrying Kylie, walk up to the door.

"Hey guys!" I exclaim and walk over to them. I give them both a hug and take Kylie out of their arms. Kylie can't speak much since she's just a bit over 1 year old. Mila was a fast learner though which was really helpful when she wanted something.

"How's Kylie?" I ask them as I bounce the small girl in my arms up and down.

"Good. She can still only say mama and dada though." Lilia says sighing.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll say more soon" I reassure her with a smile.

"So we've heard that your pregnant again." Jaeden states smiling. I nod and smile as well.

"Yeah it's amazing!" I say looking down at my stomach which has a tiny little bump that you could barely see.

"Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?" Sadie asks.

"I'm not sure. I have a feeling it will be another girl though." I say smiling.

"What do you think Finn?" I ask him.

"I don't know but I'm fine with whatever." He says smiling as well. We all start to walk into the living room and take a seat on the couches. Jaeden handed Kylie to Lilia and she placed her on her lap. I smile at their cuteness and look over to see Mila and Clara playing with dolls.

"Well Mila and Clara, this is Kylie." I say introducing the two toddlers to Kylie.

"Hi Kylie!" Mila exclaims running over to Lila and Kylie, pronouncing "Kylie" incorrectly but it's still adorable. Lila smiles at Mila and picks up one of Kylie's arms, and gently waves it.

"She's cute." Clara says coming over to them. They both start touching Kylie's face softly and giggle as they poke her cheek.

"Careful girls." Sadie says looking at the two.

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