I was bored!

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Mila's POV~

After mommy kissed my head goodnight and fell asleep, I got out of her and daddy's arms. I climbed off of the bed and kind of fell off cause it's way to high for me. Then I ran out of their room and went downstairs. I'm bored and can't sleep so that's why I'm doing this. I walked over to my dolls and started to play with them.

"Hi Clara, Im Mila" I say pretending to make the dolls talk to each other. Mommy and daddy named the doll that looked like me, Mila. They also named the doll that look like Clara, Clara.

"Hi Mila!" I say as Clara doll.

"Let's get ice cream." I say as Mila doll.

"Ok." I say as Clara doll again. I then make them walk to my doll sized ice cream truck.

"Oh no! It's Jacob!" I say as Mila doll. Mommy and daddy named one of my boy dolls, Jacob. I don't know who he is but they say he's mean and a very very very bad person. I make Jacob be the bad doll because of what mommy and daddy said.

"What do we do Mila?" I say as Clara doll.

"I don't-" I get cut off by daddy's phone ringing from the couch. Hmmm, he usually takes it upstairs with him. I stand up from the floor and walk over to the couch, climbing on it, and see who's calling.

"I-I-Ir-Iri-Iris. Auntie Iris!" I exclaim but not to loud so I don't wake up mommy and daddy. I know what your thinking, how can I read that? Well I've memorized the way to spell all my aunties and uncles names. Mommy and daddy taught me Incase of a emergency.

I presses the green button to accept the call. It actually turned out to be a FaceTime.

"Hi F- Oh Mila! Why are you up sweetie? You should be sleeping." Auntie Iris says.

"I was bored. I came downstairs and played with dolls." I tell her.

"Let me guess, mommy and daddy went to bed early again?" She asks.

"Mhm" I say noddding.

"Well why did you call daddy?" I ask her

"Oh nothing important sweetheart." She says smiling.

"Ok." I say sighing.

"Are you gonna come over tomorrow?" I ask

"Yep!" She exclaims

"YAY!" I yell. Oops. That was a little to loud. Hopefully I didn't wake up mommy and daddy.

"Shhhhh. You don't want to make them up." Auntie Iris tells me.

"Sorry" I say quietly

"Mila baby, what are you doing?" I hear daddy ask. I quickly turn around and see daddy standing at the bottom of the staircase.

Finns POV~

"YAY!" I hear a high pitched voice yell. I instantly wake up and see Mila not in the bed anymore. Oh Mila. I get out of bed carefully so I don't wake Millie up. I then walk downstairs and see Mila on my phone talking to someone.

"Mila baby, what are you doing?" I ask her. She quickly whips her head around and her eyes widen. She then throws my phone on the couch and falls to the ground, closing her eyes. She then pretends to snore making me lightly laugh.

"Sleeping." She says in between snores. I laugh again and walk over to my phone and see Iris on it with a smirk on her face.

"Why did Mila call you?" I ask her laughing.

"She didn't call me. I called you but she answered" Iris responds

"Ohhhh" I say.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask.

"M-i-l-a-s  b-i-r-t-h-d-a-y." Iris says saying each letter so Mila won't understand. I nod in response

"We'll talk tomorrow cause I have to deal with her right now." I say. She smiles and nods.

"Ok Finn, well I'll go now. But I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Iris says waving.

"Yeah, goodnight!" I say and end the call. I then turn around to face Mila. She has her eyes slightly open but instantly closes them when she sees me looking at her.

"Princess, I know your awake." I say laughing and walking over to her.

"No I'm sleeping." She says

"Baby, your obviously not sleeping if your responding to me" I state. She then let's out a sigh and opens her eyes.

"Fineeee, I'm awake." Mila says.

"Why did you come downstairs?" I ask sitting on the ground next to her.

"Cause you and mommy were sleeping and I was bored." She says pouting.

"But it was sleepy time." I say holding her hands.

"I WAS BORED OK????" She exclaims and begins to cry. It makes me want to cry cause she's crying. She's really sensitive about everything and that's why I hate saying no to her or telling her not to do something.

"Baby, it's ok. It's ok." I say pulling her into my chest and kissing her head.

"I was bored." She repeats

"I know. I'm sorry." I say

"Can I just play with my dolls daddy? I'm not tired." She asks.

"Ok but only for 10 minuets. Then it's time for bed." I say softly and run my hands through her curly hair.

"Ok daddy." She says and runs over to her dolls. I smile and sit on the couch watching her.

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