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4 years later...

General POV~

"Mommy, I told you a million times! Mike did it! Not me!" Millie and Finns now 7 year old daughter exclaimed. Mila and Mike, their now 4 year old son, were painting and some paint ended up on the wall. Millie asked what happened and who got the paint on the wall. The two kids are arguing with each other about who did it.

"Uh uh! It was Mila." Mike states.

"Noooooo it was you." Mila yells

"No! You!" Mike yells back.

"Hey hey hey. It's ok. No one is in trouble. But no lying." Finn says picking up his son.

"Now tell us the truth. We just want to know who did it so we can teach them how to not do it again." Finn says to his two kids.

"Ugh fine. I did it." Mike says pouting.

"Thanks for telling the truth Mike." Millie says kissing his cheek.

"How did it happen?" Finn asks sweetly not wanting Mike to feel like he's in trouble.

"Wellllll I was painting. And then splat! The paint flew off my brush and hit the wall." Mike exclaims.

"Hmm, well be a bit more careful next time, ok baby?" Millie asks as Finn hands him to her.

"Yes mommy." He says smiling.

"I told you." Mila mumbles.

"I'm gonna watch tv now" Mike says, wiggling out of Millie's arms.

"Me too." Mila says and follows him into the living room.

Finn then walks up behind Millie and snakes his arms around her waist. He lightly kisses her neck and turns her around to face him.

"Hey." He says to the beautiful girl he gets to call his wife.

"Hey." Millie responds.

"Millie, I love you." Finn says. Even though they say "I love you" to each other a thousand times a day, it still makes both of their hearts flutter.

"I love you too Finn." Millie says and leans in to give him a peck on the lips. After their short kiss, Millie notices Finn tearing up.

"What's wrong Finn?" She asks holding his hands.

"I'm just really happy." He says as he begins to cry. Millie smiles and gives him a hug.

"I'm so happy that we met each other in that audition room. I'm so happy that you were my girlfriend. And I'm extremely happy that your my wife and we have two beautiful children. Millie, you and our kids make me the happiest man in the universe! Every time I wake up to see your gorgeous face in the morning, it brings a smile to my face. I love you so so so so much Millie." Finn says as he continues to cry.

"Finn, I'm so happy too. I love you to the moon and back. And even further than that." Millie says beginning to cry as well and holds his hands. Finn leans in to give her another kiss but this one was longer and it was filled with love and happiness.

"Ew gross." A little voice says interrupting their kiss. Finn and Millie turn around to see Mike with a disgust look on his face. They both giggle and walk over to their son.

"Why are you both crying?" Mike asks as his face changes from disgust to confused.

"Because were so happy." Millie says smiling down at Mike.

"Why?" Mike asks giggling.

"Because we love you and your sister so much." Finn says kissing his soft, straight, raven colored hair.

"I love you too." Mike says hugging both of his parents. Soon Mila joins the hug and they all smile at their beautiful family who are also known as the love and lights of their world.


Sorry I didn't post this sooner, I forgot to tell you guys that I had to go to dance camp. I had to dance all day for the last 4 days and barley had any breaks. We finished dancing each day at like 10:30pm so I was to tried to write then. But I'm home now so I just finished this epilogue! I hope you liked it and thanks so much for reading this book and the other one! I might do another Fillie or possibly a mileven book soon! I'll let you guys know! Ily❤️

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