Well, There's Always a 2nd Impression

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"People make such a big deal out of first impressions, but if you're going to see whoever it is again, then why not just make the 2nd impression good?"-Barker

     Great; wonderful; makes complete sense. A few things on the long list of describing words and phrases (Y/N) had thought of for today. Currently running through a forest to a densely populated area OS found on the 'ride down,' the one word that did make sense was confusion. He had no idea who the random bunch of fairy tale weapon-using teenagers was, but the glorious invention of radar allowed him to see them following far behind. Occasionally, there was a dink from the rear- some large-caliber sniper rifle. Grenades also fell around him, but none of them hit their mark. "Pilot, densely populated area coming up in 500 meters," OS said through internal speakers. For any normal person, 500 meters would have taken a few minutes, but in the titan, it took about thirty seconds. When they arrived, (Y/N) didn't like what he saw. "A wall? seriously? Wonderful. Osiris, can you climb this?"

     "You are perfectly capable of doing it yourself pilot." Not deciding whether or not the remark was sarcastic, (Y/N) took that as a yes. The titan's fist reeled back, and slammed into the wall, embedding the hand. Mounting with one leg, and pushing up, (Y/N) launched the titan's other fist into a higher point in the wall. Slowly, they began climbing.

     RWBY and JNPR were still chasing the 'giant robot,' as they had named it. They had trailed behind quite a bit, considering how much faster the titan was going. Ruby was the only one who remotely could have caught up, but she decided not to, knowing she couldn't beat it alone. They had called Ozpin moments ago, giving a vague description, and telling roughly where it was that the 'robot would be coming from. "It's alright, there is no way that thing could get over the wall," Weiss said in a confident tone.

"Yeah, I mean, what is it gonna do? Climb?" Yang was cocky about it, eager to get back at the pilot for the punch to the head.

"Uh, Yang? I think you might have spoken a little too soon . . ." Ruby pointed to the wall. Yang looked confused until she saw it too.

"I-It's climbing the wall?!" Weiss shrieked. There was a small snicker and a "you owe me five lien" coming from Nora addressed to Ren.

"We have to stop it!" Ruby ran towards the wall and started shooting the robot's hands. When she did so, wherever the bullets hit, a white hexagonal light appeared and the bullet deflected and fell. Knowing the nearest city entrance was too far, they called Ozpin for help.

     You had just reached the top of the wall when you saw a weird-looking drop-ship fly overhead. Looking behind you you saw the wonderful fantasy worriers climb into it. Wonderful. You looked down to make sure your landing wouldn't kill anyone. Seeing the coast was clear, you dropped off the wall and into the city. The screaming for help started after a couple of steps. Even better! You started running trying to find someone who could help because, believe it or not, you didn't want to start a war on your first day. It was then you started hearing sirens and the howl of an engine. In the street in front of you, several police cruisers rolled up. When the officers got out of their cars, you were certain all of them had shit themselves as if each had taken fiber one on steroids. Not even bothering to speak, they started shooting. "Warning, pilot. Taking fire; recommend retaliation with X0-16." The titan said to you.

     "As tempting as that is, I don't want to go killing off the city . . . yet." You said back to him. There was no real reason to retaliate, as the bullets barely penetrated the shields.

     Your city run stopped quickly when an 'interesting' development was made. Another robot type was dropped onto the street, followed by two others. It looked . . . odd to say the least. They brought their arms up and prepared to engage. "Tell me something OS." You took cover behind a building before they were able to shoot.

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