Forest of Roses

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It has come to my attention that when I go to Japan for ten days, there will be no cell signal. That means I can't write. goddammit.  

     Red. That's all there was. An infinite forest of red. Right now, you, along with the other group of first years, were walking through the Forest of Forever Fall. As someone who had seen nothing but war zones, it was certainly a pleasant change. The bullhead ride had been slow, as you were somewhat tired from the little "chase" that had taken place the night before. Though you had spent some of the ride cursing the fact that you couldn't bring your titan. Ozpin you he didn't want any "unnecessary damage" done to the forest. 

     The red "petals" that fell off the trees crunched under your boots when you walked over them as a gentle breeze shook the trees. It was actually a quite beautiful place. "Wish you could see this, Osiris." You said into your radio. 

"Pilot to titan video feed has been established for some time now. I can see everything you see, Pilot. The surrounding area is unlike anything I have seen. Vocal pattern analyses and heart rate indicate you are enjoying yourself." OS said. 

"I guess you could say that."

"It is nice to see you adapting, pilot. However, I would still suggest you attempt to socialize as well. Having allies will only improve our chances of survival."

"Yeah, yeah. Because I'm sure a bunch of impulsive teenagers with weapons twice their size are going to be a real help if something that actually poses a threat to me shows up."

"I detect sarcasm, pilot." Your conversation was interrupted when Goodwitch spoke. "Yes students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sight see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so." As she finished, a bumping sound could be heard behind you. At the back of the group, a pissed off Cardin and a rather panicked Jaune could be seen. In his arms he held a white box with six jars resting on top. The blond had been sucking Cardin's dick (really no better way to put it) for nearly a week now. "Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun!" She walked off and left the students to themselves as various groups split up and went their own ways. You planned on doing this in an easier fashion. "Osiris, can you give me the best location for this 'red sap' stuff?"

"Affirmative, pilot. Though you should know that every tree has a concentration of sap to some degree." 

"Hey (Y/N)!" You heard the somewhat annoying voice of Ruby as she approached you. With a sigh, you acknowledged her. 

"Can I help you, Ruby?" You asked, not turning to her. 

"Well... I was kinda hoping that... maybe you'd want to come with me and my team? Nora just found a great spot and I was wondering if you wanna tag along?" She nervously tapped her index fingers together. 

"And why might that be?" You looked over at the trees while your titan completed his scan, though you noted how long it was taking. 

"I was kind of hoping that I could get to know you a little better. I mean, I know you're still mad at us for the first day you got here, but I still think we can be friends." With an audible sigh, you answered. 

"Fine. Lead the way." You gestured off towards the direction her team had left. With a smile, she grabbed your hand and dragged you off. This better be worth my time or so help me god, Osiris. 

     When you got to where Ruby was so intent on dragging you off to, you saw what appeared to be a clearing with a few scattered trees from which teams JNPR and RWBY gathered their sap. The place seemed to be well enough stalked that you could share. Yang turned around from her tree, smiling at her sister, though it quickly became a frown when she saw the one standing next to her. You walked past Blondie with little to no care, not giving a damn what she thought. 

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