The Greatest Showman

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You stood on the small metal square, awaiting the start of the initiation. The school's live feed was wired to your helmet, allowing the school to see everything you see. The two professors hadn't yet said what it was the square you stood on would do. Wasn't exactly a problem for you. "Osiris, scan the structure beneath me." You said. It was meant to be secretive if you found out what was going to happen, but that wouldn't be the case, considering the entire school now had temporary access to your comm device.

"Affirmative, Pilot. Scanning." Your titan replied. As he did so, area below where you stood began to light up, allowing you to see all the internal structures of the square through the ground. "Conclusion- your are standing on a launch pad. Most likely designed to launch personnel long distances at high speeds." So that's how they're playing, you thought, a smirk forming on your face. Looking up, Glynda and Ozpin's faces had look of hysterical shock and wonder respectively.

It was then that an idea formed in your mind. "Hey Ozpin, I'm going to give you a countdown, and I want you to launch me on my mark." You pulled out a blue throwing star, with the Hammond Robotics Corporation logo imprinted on the side, along with the words "Gravity Star."

"Might I ask why this is?" He raised a brow.

"Trust me." Was all you responded with. He nodded and readied his hand over a button. You took the throwing star, spinning it for show, before throwing as hard as you could at your feet. Star erupted into a slightly intensely glowing giant orb of blue energy that surrounded you and pulled you off your feet. You knew that Glynda and maybe Ozpin would be looking at you funny, but payed no mind to it. Instead, you made a countdown on your hand with your fingers. 3-2-1 "MARK," you attempted to yell over the sound of the star's explosion. The platform on which you stood launched you at the same time the gravity star detonated, sending you shooting through the air at eye tearing speeds. You knew your plan had worked. The gravity star was meant to boost the initial distance of the launch pad, and it worked. Almost too well.

The trees moved under you as your upward momentum was just starting to fail. As you neared the tree tops, you curled into a ball, wanting to lessen the chance of hitting a large branch as much as possible. When cleared of the leaves, you shot your grappling hook at a nearby tree and swung yourself around it like Tarzan on steroids.

With your current momentum and speed, you knew you could go a great distance if you slid when hitting the ground. The ground was coming at you quickly. You tried your best to make a crouched position in the air, slightly flaring your jump jets. When contact with the ground was finally made, a loud, grassy 'thud' could be heard. When this happened, you shot forward across the dirt with new speeds that carried you a good deal closer towards your objective. Eventually, however, you came to skidding halt.

Standing up, you drew your flatline from your back and began walking. It was definitely a sight not often seen on the frontier. Lush grasses and tall trees that blocked sunlight when it hit the leaves. It reminded you of something you'd find on Typhon. The sightseeing was unfortunately cut short as you heard a growl coming in front of you. Your radar was ineffective against whatever it was, as it only reacted to the discharge speed of a fire arm for effective tracking.

Stopping, you aimed your flatline towards the sound. Whatever it was in the bushes apparently lost its patience. What emerged was a large bear-like creature. It was all black with a variety of bone armor covering its body. It let out a loud 'roar,' before charging at you. Ok. This could be fun. Boost jumping before it could maul you, you turned mid-air and fired portion of the flatline's magazine into the back and head of the creature. "Osiris, scan this thing." You said through your comm.

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