Not The Average School

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"Will (Y/N) (L/N) please come to the stage." Ozpin said through a microphone. That's fine, not like I planned on keeping my name secret, you thought. It was still the day of your initiation, and, against your wishes, Ozpin had seen it necessary to announce your arrival to the whole school. You wanted him to keep your name a secret, as it could be used against you if the opponent was smart enough, at least from a legal standpoint ( which you seemed to be having many problems with lately).

Reluctantly, you stepped out from behind the curtains, revealing yourself to the entirety of the school (something else you didn't want Ozpin to do, call the whole school). You were dressed in your pilot combat gear, as you really had nothing else to where. And even though Ozpin had requested the removal of your helmet, you (somewhat) politely declined.

Among the bodies, you spotted the eight wonderful nuisances sitting there, watching you. You began to regret what you had told Ruby after your post - initiation encounter. You knew she would most likely hold you to what you told her about seeing the weapons. Your thoughts were interrupted when the headmaster spoke again.

"I know there has been discussion of (Y/N)'s presence here, as well as the large robot you may have seen moving about the campus. I also know many of you saw the news several days ago about that robot attacking Vale. I will not lie to you when I say that it is the same robot, as well as the one piloting it." As he finished, murmurs could be heard throughout the croud. You figured that it was most likely the students voicing their opinions to each other. "But I want you all to know he is not a threat. Mr (L/N) will be your classmate, as well as, for the first time in Beacon's history, a one man team. As many of you have seen, he shows great promise, and can already dispatch Grimm like a pro huntsman. I expect the utmost respect for our early arrival. Do not disappoint me." Much to your surprise, the students started clapping. Didn't think they'd be so accepting of me. Huh, you thought.

Walking off stage, you left the room, hoping to get away from the large mass of students that would be leaving at the same time. You were greeted by the sunlight as you left the main building to go to your warehouse where your titan would be waiting for you. There were many things that needed to get done. Ozpin had been nice enough to lend you the necessary supplies for bullet construction. That alone would take up much of your time, as Remnant most likely didn't have the 20mm rounds that fed the X0-16. You had the impression that you were being followed as well. Having the instincts you had, you decided to dare your follower a little more.

Upon reaching the warehouse, you opened the doors before you walked inside, leaving the door open enough for someone to get through. You then proceeded to hide behind the wall it was on. When a head poked through, without registering who it was, you grabbed them by the neck and brought your knife to their throat. When they froze, you got a good look at the terrified face of none other than one Ruby. With a sigh, you sheathed you blade and released her neck. "What do you want, Ruby?" You said with an irritated tone.

"Well-" She started. You knew what this was about, but you wanted to hear her say it. But before she could, you heard yelling in the distance.

"RUBY? Where are you!?" You both looked in the direction of the easily recognizable voice of atomic blonde, who could be seen back toward the school.

"Yang! Over here!" She waved her arms in an attempt to grab her friends' attention. Just what I need right now, you thought. Before you could do anything, the rest of her team had already arrived. Yang looked happy to see Ruby hadn't gotten too far, but the smile soon dropped when she looked up from her and saw you.

"What are you doing here?" She frowned, narrowing her eyes at you.

"I'm staying here. This is my warehouse. If you have a problem, take your little red friend and go." You said the last part harshly, trying to emphasize on the fact you didn't want to be bothered.

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