An Unusual Tourist

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Sorry for the wait. This may suck a little ass, but I wanted to be doing something else when I wrote this so I was low on ideas. 

     Vale, as it was, seemed to be a reasonably nice city. The usual tall structures and shopping districts were all present. Parents together, holding either hand of their child as they walked happily down the street. Men and Women on their way to work, as well as cars and buses that filled the street. The people here had it way better than they knew. It actually would have been comparable to the frontier capital cities before the IMC decided to show up, had it not been for the terrorism and Faunus hate mongering. Gangs and racism were always around. It's human nature, but street gangs never openly attacked protesters. At least, not at the level it was done here. 

     "The Vytal Festival! Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!" Oh yes, the reason why you were here. 

*Memory One, Sequence One (flashback)*

     You were sitting in your warehouse when a knock came to the door. It made you slightly curious, as Ozpin would have called you if he needed you. Several books were laid out on a desk in front of you on the close right wall. Subjects varied from topics of Grimm behavior to Dust application. There was a little history in there as well. Your titan was crouched behind you, not really doing anything. "Osiris, did I miss something?"

"I do not know what you mean. Please elaborate." 

"Was someone supposed to come by today?"

"Nothing is scheduled for this Friday at 12:24 PM." Your titan said. Wonderful. Random visitors. Walking to the large double doors, you clicked the safety off your holstered smart pistol. The short walk over was accompanied by the annoyance of interruption, as you pondered what it was that could be so damned important. Lets just say it was not who you'd hoped for. When you opened the doors a crack, in front of you stood Ruby. "Oh. It's you." You said with a touch of boredom. 

"Yeah. I just wanted to, um, apologize for what happened in Forever Fall." She looked down to her feet as she finished. You waited a moment before answering. 

"Wonderful." As you started to go back inside and close the doors, she stopped you. 

"Wait!" Goddammit. "I was kinda hoping that maybe you'd want to go with my team and I to Vale? We could show you around some." 

"And what does your team think of this idea?"

"I kinda haven't asked them yet." Oh, this is wonderful. I'll be alone enough that Yang will just throw me out of the bullhead, won't she? You looked back to your titan to see him eyeing you. With an inaudible sigh, you stepped out and closed the doors. Ruby just looked at you, shocked. 

"So, are you just going to stand there and gawk?"

"O-Oh, yeah. Sorry." The two of you started walking towards the bullheads. "I didn't really think you'd say yes." She nervously laughed.

"Anything to get Osiris out of my ass about meeting people." 

"So you have one of those too huh?" She looked at momentarily. 

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Yang was bugging me when we first got to Beacon. She wanted me to get out, and meet new people, and make friends. Guess you have the same problem." A smile could barely be seen at the edge of her lips. 

"You sound outright anti-social." You said without looking at her. 

"Wha- and you're not?"

"No. I only 'hang out' with certain crowds, none of which that the students of Beacon fall under. Besides, you're fifteen. You need friends so that you at least have some knowledge on how to cooperate with others." 

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