Killers and Soldiers

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     "Warning; safety barrier failing." The Amety AI's voice said through the speakers. The Nevermore above circled back around the top of the coliseum, screeching its predatory cry before landing again on the energy shield that kept is from its prey. Most of the civilians and unarmed students were gone, likely trying to force past each other to get on the shuttles and escape. 

     "Pyrrha!" Jaune yelled from the seats. The name broke (Y/N) from his own thoughts of dread and took him back to the reality changing before his eyes. "Pyrrha, that thing's going to break in. You've gotta move!" (Y/N) followed Jaune's words and looked up to the large avian Grimm currently threatening them. It spread wings and jumped high, preparing to dive-bomb. This is when the pilot started moving. 

     As he sprinted to Pyrrha, his eyes caught what was left of Penny, lying motionless on the ground. "Is there anything I can do for her?" He asked Osiris. 

     "There is no time to examine her, pilot. I recommend you focus on assisting those still alive."

     (Y/N) swore under his breath as he reached Pyrrha. Just as he did, a crash was heard above. He knew what that meant. "All right, time to go!" (Y/N) grabbed her arm and yanked her away as the Nevermore came down, evicting the air around it and creating a shockwave that knocked them off their feet. It screeched again, raising its wings before slamming them down, the claws on the front making an audible thud. 

     (Y/N) forced himself onto his feet, deploying the blades on his arms as he analyzed the threat. No chance was given, as before any action could be taken, the Grimm charged. Knowing there was nothing he could do from his current position, (Y/N) turned to grab Pyrrha and move again when a blur of red flew into the Nevermore's chest, shooting it back. That blur appeared to be Ruby, who stood before them wielding one of Penny's swords. 

     "Ruby . . . ?" Pyrrha shakily asked. 

     "Leave them alone!" The fifteen year old yelled, ignoring her friend. The beast, now seemingly angered at the interruption, pushed off the ground and flew around the edge of the arena, eyeing the huntress in training. Ruby adopted a weak stance as the Grimm flew to the far side of the area and dropped, gliding fast and low at the trio. 

     "Don't know what you plan on doing, but it's coming right for us." (Y/N) ran to Ruby's side. She said nothing, giving him only sideways glance before looking back to the Nevermore. Right, he thought, ready to take her and pull her away, knowing full well which was the unstoppable force of this relationship.

     Suddenly, streaks of blue light crashed into the Grimm from above, forcing it to the ground. It only managed to recover in time to be hit with more of what was quickly identified as the student's rocket lockers. The Nevermore struggled and lost before skidding across the metal floor and coming to a stop. The large, shrieking, armored beak sat no more than three meters from its intended target.

     One by one the lockers opened, revealing weapons of all kinds as many students climbed on to the various parts of the Nevermore to claim them. Ruby's eyes widened as each of them flashed knowing smiles and looks of determination at her. (Y/N) watched Ruby's expression before looking at the other huntsmen in training and laughing bitterly. She wouldn't be fighting alone, and now she knew it. 

     It was then the Nevermore recovered, deciding there would be no further heroics. The students were phased for no longer than a second, however, and took their own action to ensure the Grimm would die. Ren had run up its back and stabbed its left eyes before Nora jumped off the head and turned to smack it with her hammer, exposing the neck in time for Yatsuhashi and a foreign student with an equally large sword to fall from above into a spinning decapitation.

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