Cat in the Insomniac Hat

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A feeling of drowsiness washed over (Y/N) as he came to. He righted his slouched body, taking in the sight of his titan's cockpit before stretching away the tightness in his arms. "Welcome back, pilot." The monotone voice of Osiris spoke. (Y/N) had enough experience to know when he had been unconscious and, usually, how much danger he would be in when he woke up judging by his surroundings. If anything was a comforting sight to wake up to, it was the inside of a cockpit. At least when it was that of a friendly titan.

"How long?" He asked.

"You have been unconscious for approximately five minuets and 37 seconds."

"Damn. What did I . . . ?" He trailed off as the memories of his fight with Mercury flooded his mind. "The little motherfucker beat me." The pilot clenched his fists before forcing himself to calm down.

"While he may have technically defeated you in the match, the seconds I had seen him allowed me to scan his vitals. Scans showed he had at least a two concussions. For a fight in which you were out matched, you did quite well." Had any but the more experienced pilots heard something like this, there would have been a one sided argument, but (Y/N) knew his partner meant no offence.

(Y/N) quickly thumbed a button and flipped a switch, causing the hatch to open, and allowing him an escape. The area he resided in was instantly recognized as the hangar/warehouse he had lived in for the past several months - yes - months. When (Y/N) though about it, it actually made him realize how long he'd been gone for. Just how much time he had been away from the Frontier. The pilot could say "I miss them" for very few people, and the 6-4 was definitely of the few on his short list. The thoughts of his comrades caused a deflated sigh to escape his lips. It was quickly picked up on.

"You seem distressed, pilot. What is troubling you?" The titan was still crouched, though its mono-eye was focused on (Y/N). The pilot waited for five whole seconds before answering.

"Do you think we'll find a way back?"

"I do not know what you mean."

"Back . . . home, I guess. The Frontier. We can't just stay here forever, can we?"

"I do not know if it is possible. However, it is highly unlikely we will find a method to leaving Remnant. They do not have the means to leave the atmosphere, nor do they have light-speed capabilities. We also have no knowledge of where we are cosmically. It is even possible we are outside of Frontier space."

"That far, huh?" (Y/N) was not entirely "with it" at the moment.

"Affirmative. The ark weapon's energy discharge was comparable to that of the energy created in the creation of a black hole or supernova."

"So we'd have to create a giant ass wormhole to get back to the war. Wonderful." The pilot said sarcastically, the idea very much not entertaining for him.

"Yes, but you must not lose sign of duty."

"My duty? We aren't exactly in the Frontier anymore. Or fighting the same war."

"As a Militia pilot, you are duty bound to uphold peace, as per the oath you swore on the day you were inducted into the Marauder Corps."

"I'm not Militia anymore. You know that."

"Did you still fight for the freedom of the Frontier?"

"Yes. But that-"

"Then I do not believe it changes anything, pilot. You upheld your duty in the 6-4. You must continue to do the same here. Remnant is very different than any planet either of us have seen. And although it is not involved in the Frontier war, it is still heavily conflicted. Weather you are fighting the IMC or the Grimm does not matter. You are still a pilot." Osiris finished speaking, letting the pilot think long and hard and, eventually, he smiled beneath his helmet.

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