The Good, the Bad, and the Roman

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Sorry for the two week pause. And FYI, next week I'm going to Japan for ten days. I don't know if I'll be able to update. Can't bring my laptop so either way it'll be spotty. After, however, I will be done going places for the summer. Yay.

     The city of Vale was much more quiet at night. More peaceful, one might even say. It would have almost been normal if anyone who was still on the street wasn't giving you the look. It hadn't completely surprised you, as the armor hadn't been seen before. It was a matter of luck, as your exposure had been very limited on the day of the 'Vale Incident'. People didn't know you were the one with the giant robot.

     After several hours of complicated planning and scans of the media, you were able to find where the more shady side of town was. You figured you'd pay it a visit later. As for now, you were walking around, looking for the various Dust shops around the city.

     Dear old Ozpin had been nice enough to give you the locations of the shops all around the kingdom, though it wasn't very helpful. Like a needle in a haystack, only, you were looking for a piece of hay that was slightly discolored. You would have eventually given up, had it not been for the van approaching from behind you.  

     As you walked, your ears picked up the sound of moving tires. They were moving fast. Dodge rolling to the left, you just barely managed to avoid a black van as it sped down the road past you. Letting out a frustrated sigh, you stood up, about to ignore the fact that you were almost waffled, when, on the back of the van, the familiar symbol of the White Fang appeared. By the time you'd realized this, it had rounded the corner to the left. This night may have just got interesting.

     After activating a touch if stim, you launched your grappling hook at a building and began following the vehicle along its route. It was rather hard to keep up with, as it was obviously going much faster than was legal.

     Eventually, however, it stopped in an alleyway. From atop the building above it, you saw the men that got out were dressed in white vests, each sporting the White Fang symbol in one place or another. They were also all Faunus. All except one. The last one to step out of the back was an interesting character. He wore black pants and a white suit type upper outfit with a bowler hat and cane just for show. He also had long orange that covered his right eye. "Come on you animals. You better be more useful than the last round of idiots I took with me." The man said in a tired tone. So he's done this before.

     The four White Fang lackeys along with the ginger gang leader walked across the street to a (who would've guessed it) Dust store. Above the display windows was "The Miner's Keep," lit up brown with red letters. The five criminals walked into the store. Hopping off the building, you cloaked and went after them. 

     Walking in, you saw the apparent leader was aiming a gun at the store owner's head. The one behind the counter was tall man with light skin, a brown french looking mustache above his lip. He also had short brown hair and blue eyes. His hands were up in the air as he leaned back from the barrel of the gun with terrified look on his face. The four faunus were around the room. Three of them had stuck tubes into other Dust filled tubes that were mounted on the wall, while the fourth was taking Dust out of a rack with the words "High Quality" imprinted on the top.

     Still invisible, you walked up behind the ginger and tapped his shoulder. With a confused look, he turned his head to receive a punch to the jaw, knocking him to the floor. This gained the attention of the other four who looked in his direction to see you uncloak. Upon seeing you, they took aim with their own weapons. Before they could shoot, you activated phase shift and moved to the center of the room. Roman was being helped up by one of the White Fang when you reappeared. When he regained his footing, he spoke.

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