Colder as the Older Sister

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Hey everyone. I know it's been a while. School sucked and I had no damn time. On top of that, I just finished online exams which sucked up a huge portion of my day. But that's done now, so I look forward to continuing to write for you all. I know I also changed how dialogue is formatted, but I think this way is more correct so . . . 

Also, I tried making the speaker clear. If there are clarity issues, please let me know so I can fix them.

     (Y/N) stood over his workbench, puzzled and lost in thought. Part of him considered ditching the blueprints in before him and just building the weapon from scratch. That seemed to be the preferred method of some students, in any case. I'll never understand these people.

     "Perhaps you could request assistance, (L/N)," Osiris suggested from behind the pilot.

     "I could, couldn't I. But that would mean exposing what it is and, I'm gonna be honest, I kinda want to make it a surprise."

     "I do not understand why. Any student you could request assistance from is very unlikely to be a threat."

     "True, but, you never know. Maybe I'll decide to throw myself into a Vytal tournament match without telling anyone. I think the element of surprise would be plenty useful there."

     "Pilot, your devotion to secrecy could become unhealthy if maintained to an unreasonable extent."     

     "I know, I know." (Y/N) caved slightly, relenting in his Titan's unending wave of health tips and doctoring. "But I'll tell you what: find me someone I can trust, and I'll tell them whatever they want to know. No secrets. At all. Whatsoever."

     "Why is it that you cannot trust anyone you know at Beacon?"

     "There are two kinds of Trust, Osiris. There's on the battlefield, and then there's off the battlefield. So you give me someone like Ruby. I trust her off the battlefield. I know she would try to do the right thing in whatever situation save those with lives at stake, which leads me to trust on the battlefield. The number of choices she lets morality make for her is crippling; I don't have much doubt she would let an enemy get away and botch a mission if the alternative was killing them." (Y/N) pushed away from the table, opened his scroll, and started typing a list into it. "I mean, how can I leave my six to her if I know she'll hold back?" The question went unanswered for a moment as Osiris's mental software and interaction programs attempted to determine the best way to continue the conversation. 

     "Does this complex of trust apply to Ms. Rose only?" The titan finally asked. 

     "No, of course not. They're all like that - like her. I'm sure there are a few in the bunch more emo than the rest, but being a huntsman seems largely about heroism. For that reason, I expect a similar moral compass in most of the students." (Y/N) finished typing and, satisfied, closed the scroll and pocketed it. He then grabbed the wingman on the workbench next to him, checked the cylinder, and holstered it before walking for the exit. 

     "That is an unnecessarily sweeping generalization, Pilot. I recommend you look deeper into the student body of this academy. Beacon has thousands of students; there is a very high chance of finding at least one person you can relate to."

     "You may be right, Osiris. And I may be wrong. But it's not like that matters right now. I don't really want more friends. And besides, the fewer people like me the better." (Y/N) palmed the button on the wall next to him, opening the large doors of the hangar to open just a few feet before pressing it again and slipping out before it closed.   

                                                                                                                                         * * *                                                     

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