Lethal Warmup

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God, I wish it rained during the Fall of Beacon. It'd have been so much more dramatic.

      "So you'll say nothing? Do you truly feel that guilty about what you're doing here?" Adam slashed again, cutting across (Y/N)'s bracers, the friction sending sparks shooting away. 

     "Just tired-" (Y/N) ducked under another swing before kicking the bull faunus's right foot out from under him and elbowing him in the face. He then reeled back his right arm and punched for the head. "-of having dramatic conversations with people I'm trying to stab!" Adam parried the attack with his own blade and pommel-smacked the side of (Y/N)'s head. The pilot stumbled from the force of the blow allowing Adam to throw a kick at his chest. (Y/N) caught the leg in one arm before pulling it close and bringing his free arm's elbow down on the knee joint. Red aura flickered over the point of pressure as Adam grunted in discomfort and annoyance. 

     The faunus fell into a side flip that spun his limb out of (Y/N)'s grasp. He then jumped away to reorient himself. "Yes, I suppose we should focus on the fight. You'd be a waste of breath anyway." He pushed off, bringing Wilt around in a wide left arc that (Y/N) regretted blocking. The force packed by the leader of the White Fang was worlds apart from his underlings.

     (Y/N) pushed against the force of Taurus's attack, eventually creating enough potential energy to allow himself to move under the blade, letting it glide across the one on his left bracer. Adam's momentum was quickly redirected, giving (Y/N) the opportunity to jab with both weapons at his opponent's almost turned back. Said opponent was able to block one strike, but could not keep the tip of the other blade from digging into his aura at the right kidney. Adam jumped, kneeing (Y/N) in the stomach before kicking him away with the same keg. 

     The pain from the attack was ignored as the pilot pushed himself back into the fight. Adam sprinted forth, forcing (Y/N) to lean back and under a horizontal slash before following up into a downward swing. (Y/N) swung his body left to evade and used the momentum to spin completely before kicking the flat edge of Adam's blade away. He went for another punch but was not fast enough. However, in the split second the bull faunus's feet left the ground, (Y/N) fired his grappling hook, but the small metal object was deflected. The mercenary 'tsk'd. He underestimated his enemy's speed and would need to compensate. Somehow. 

     Confusion followed uncertainty when Adam resheathed his sword. (Y/N) maintained his stance despite this but found himself unprepared for what followed. A button was pressed on the sheath and the sword burst out, rocketing straight for (Y/N)'s head. At its speed, the weapon bypassed any attempt to block it and the pommel slammed into the target's face. The force of the blow snapped (Y/N)'s head back, and while the pain was there, he had yet to notice the spiderweb of cracks that formed on the right side of his visor.

     As he forced his head back down to resight his adversary, (Y/N) saw the bull faunus had already leaped into the air and had taken hold of Wilt, closing the gap faster than he should've been able to. Adam raised the blade as he came down upon the pilot who, knowing a dodge would leave him more exposed than necessary, raised an arm to block the strike while the other sat lower in preparation for a counter attack. 

     The White Fang flipped before placing his foot on (Y/N)'s blocking arm, pushing it down and out of the way. The mercenary leaned his head as far back as it would go, barely missing the blade by an inch or so. His chest was not so lucky. The crimson blade of Wilt cut down across (Y/N)'s ballistic vest, leaving a deep, long gash in the steel. His legs bent at the knees against Adam's weight, but he refused to fall so soon. 

     The jets of (Y/N)'s jump kit flared as he propelled himself forward, shoulder bashing hard into Adam's sternum. The impact left significantly less air in his lungs than he had started with and it stunned him long enough for (Y/N) to reel back the arm he had bashed with and launch it forward, delivering an elbow to the face. (Y/N) then turned his body and extended his arm fully, hammer fisting Adam's cheek. 

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