Less Than Legal, More Than Fun

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If anyone here gets romantic thoughts from this, put 'em back down into the depths of 'yer mind! It's not time for that yet.

(I'm joking. Think whatever you want, true or not.)

Also, anyone looking at the lore aspect of Stim, I went back and looked it up - the grunt in the first Titanfall said he put TWO DROPS of Stim in his coffee and couldn't sleep for a week. What kind of bullshit is that?    

     The streets of Vale looked busy - far busier than usual. Perhaps it was the Vytal festival's draw; perhaps it simply looked that way from the back of the motorcycle (Y/N) rode upon. He couldn't say it was an entirely unpleasant ride; Bumblebee was rather high quality. What most surprised the pilot about the bike, however, was that he was on it in the first place.


     "Pilot, there is someone approaching the hangar," Osiris said, his mechanical eye locked onto the building's large double doors.

     "Oh? Who do you think it is? I'll bet you five credits its Ruby. She's the only person who would come unannounced for no reason during the day." (Y/N) replied, sifting through a textbook, attempting to find some semblance of knowledge on the application of gravity Dust.

     "Are you certain you want me to take that bet, (L/N)?" The titan shifted his gaze to his pilot. 

     "You bloody well betcha." (Y/N) put the book down and jogged to the button controlling the doors. 

     "I will wager five credits that our visitor is Yang Xiao Long." The pilot held back a laugh as soon as he heard 'Yang.'

     "Are you on something, OS? Yang?" He palmed the button, allowing the doors to open several feet as he turned back to his titan. "I mean, seriously. Why would there be-" (Y/N) froze after having looked back to the opening to see none other than Yang herself standing there, her right arm raised as if to knock. Slowly, he panned his face back around to look at his large metal partner. "You fuckin' knew, didn't you?" The titan was unresponsive for a brief moment.

     "Bio-scanner, pilot." Osiris raised his arm and pointed to his optic. 

     "You damn cheater," (Y/N) mumbled as he turned to address the blonde at his door. "Hi! Yang! To what reason in hell do I owe this debatably pleasant visit?" He clasped his hands together and tilted his head, looking oddly like an over sarcastic, forced mother after learning her ex-husband's girlfriend was coming to live with her. Yang looked hesitant for a moment.

     "I - uh . . . I . . ." She looked down, seeming to struggle to find the right words. "Dammit." She whispered before sighing. "Listen, I was talking with Ruby and our Uncle Qrow the other day and . . . it really seems like Ruby is heart-set on being your friend so . . . if we're really doing this, then we should try and . . . clear the air between us." She looked up at him with a partially hopeful, partially frustrated, and partially uncomfortable gaze, which was paid no mind. 

     "Osiris," (Y/N) looked back to his titan. "I want my money back. I refuse to believe this is actually Yang."

     "According to the bio-scanner, she is real."

     "Hey!" The blonde in question cut in. "I'm trying to be nice!" 

     (Y/N) turned back to her. "Really? And here I thought hating me was one of your casual hobbies." 

     "Grrr! Listen, I don't even want to be out here right now, so just humor me for once in your life you self-centered jackass!" Yang exploded, her eyes flashing red as her fists clenched. The pilot released a satisfied chuckle as he walked outside despite the tiny pang of guilt he felt for toying with her when she was clearly at the limit of her patience. 

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