The Kill Switch

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I just wanted to say, some of you are still voting on the Conduit or Criminal reader insert. The conduit won several months ago and can be found as "Paint and Flame" on my profile. 

     Damn! I need to get to the SMR! It's the only way I'm gonna cheese this bitch! Said gun lay on the ground behind Man Tank (the nickname I gave him). Pushing off my foot, I shot towards him, knives ready. But he wasn't there anymore. A sudden extreme pain in my side confirmed as I  flew into the wall, letting out a small cry of pain on impact, before I jumped off fast as possible. Man tank slammed into the wall where I was. No time to think! Hitting the ground, I immediately rolled to the side. The dodge slightly worked, so rather than flying out of the room, I went carton wheeling at a rather extreme pace, somehow managing to find myself on the floor in the hallway. 

     Man Tank emerged from inside the control room, slowly walking towards me. This is like the world's worst game of King of the Hill. I didn't draw my other smart pistol, for fear of it getting destroyed. "You should know you stand no chance. You may as well give up now. It will make your death much less painful." I looked at the Man Tank as he spoke. 

"We both know that's not possible." 

"I suppose we do." He came at me again, the same near invisible blur. I had no time to move, allowing him to send me farther back into the hall. Dammit! The hell am I supposed to do?! Suddenly, as I landed, my hand felt something. That something was the remains of my ordinance! Well, it's clear he can't be killed by any normal means. And even so, if not kill, it'll at least slow his ass down. I got back on my feet, but yet again, he was gone before I could do anything. I failed to react as he appeared behind me and turned me into a human rag doll as I barreled down the hall back towards the control room. This time, however, I had some sense of motion and landed in a dive roll. Spinning to face him, I took a frag off my belt and chucked it. My breathing hitched when I caught it shooting past my head. "You think it'll be that easy?" He asked. 

     I saw the blur of a Man Tank in front of me. "Shit!" I used phase shift, temporarily entering the the gray world and moved away. When I exited however, he was already on me. His fist connected with my stomach, and I spent one moment elevated off the ground, and another not knowing what the fuck was going on until I felt a pair of hands pick me up by the head. My vision slowly came back into focus to see Man Tank silently judging me through his mask. Think! Think! Think, damn you! 

"You have fought bravely, but you were not smart enough to realize the gravity of the situation." Gravity... gravity...... gravity! Taking a gravity star off my belt, I quickly chucked it at the floor behind him. His mouth showed disinterest until he felt the not-so-slight pulling sensation. His feet began to drag, and the momentary distraction was enough to allow me to break free by kicking his forearms. From there, I spun and ran up the wall behind me, back flipping off it at the last second as Man Tank shot into it. His back now turned to me, I shot my grappling hook, impaling his shoulder and zipped towards him, drop kicking and back flipping off him. Then I took an EMP grenade and threw it at Man Tank. He was too slow to dodge, so the explosive made contact. When it did so, he violently growled, grabbing his head as the electricity surged through him. 

     If he hadn't had his mask on, the hatred in his eyes would have most likely burned me alive. I started to move out of the way when something slammed into my back, shooting me into the wall. Trying to move I found that I was bound quite tightly. By moving my head, I manged to catch a glimpse of an opaque silver weaving that surrounded a good bit of my body. "Thank you, Skyla." Man Tank said. A spider faunus. The sound of rushing footsteps caught my attention. Squeezing my hand as hard as I could, I managed to activate my phase shift module. I moved back, escaping the web before turning the shift module off. "Sir, whatever you're doing in there, do it fast! We can't hold them much longer!" I heard the voice through my helmet radio. I knew I needed to stop the attack, and whatever these two are doing up here. I heard the sound of 'Skyla' typing on the computer behind me. Man Tank was in front, ready to charge. Suddenly, I got an idea, and smirked under my helmet. 

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