Yes, It Can Talk. No, It's Not a Paladin

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At this point, almost everyone in Beacon had their mouths agape. This was because almost everyone was watching the initiation of the crazy ass future soldier. The result was unexpected to say the least, mainly due to the fact that no one at Beacon had ever seen a giant robot fall out of the sky. No one had even seen a robot of that size or advancement before, and the paladin had yet to be publicly announced. Of course Weiss knew, but only because of her family's involvement in the project.

The fact that you had taken three deathstalkers on your own was more than enough to convince most of the students that you were not a danger. One of the bigger questions was what the voice in your helmet was. Some agreed to the obvious and thought the robot was talking, while others were skeptical of the technology.

Despite all that, the students that weren't pondering your's or the robot's identity were sitting in amazement of the weaponry the titan possessed. Most had never seen a rifle of that size before. There was one such weapon fanatic currently in the mess hall with her team who was absolutely fawning over the size and power of said rifle. "OH MY OUM! That was so cool!" Ruby was practically jumping up and down. "He was like 'pew' 'pew' 'pew.' And they were like 'arghhh!" The young huntress in training was possibly more exited about the machine than she had been the night she was accepted into Beacon. Possibly.

"Yeah, I guess it was alright." Yang looked away from the screen, reluctant to admit she thought it was cool too.

"If you ask me, he was way too brutal. I mean, look at what he did to that deathstalker." Weiss gestured to the slowly wilting corps of the giant scorpion.

"Are you sympathizing for a Grimm?" Blake raised a brow, wondering why her teammate seemed to have a problem with brutality when you were killing giant monsters.

"I'm just saying that maybe he's got a screw loose. He did almost kill us already, how do we know he won't try again?" Weiss started to adapt the same suspicious tone Yang had, not promising a good future relationship with the pilot.

"I have to agree with Weiss on this one. He's too dangerous to be around. We should stay away from him." Yang glared at the screen, watching the large machine trudge back to the cliff.

"One thing for certain is that his skill, both in and outside that robot, is quite remarkable. I'm not sure even I could take on a pack of beowolves on my own. I think I would enjoy fighting him." Pyrrha said this with a hint of intrigue in her voice.

"I believe it would be most interesting to learn about him. He's clearly not from here. Perhaps learning of his origin would allow us to find out why he acts the way he does." Ren looked at Pyrrha before glancing at Yang,

"I wonder if he likes pancakes?!" Nora seemed to teleport to them all, popping up between them.

"I don't know sis, maybe he's just harsh on the outside. Maybe if we get to know him then he'll be different." Ruby tried to convince them.

She gasped suddenly before realizing something. "His initiation is almost over! I wanna see his weapons- I mean him when he gets back!" She then used her semblance, bolting out of the room before anyone else had the chance to protest.

Ozpin and Glynda still stood atop Beacon Cliff, waiting for the pilot to return. The screen in front of them displayed a first person view of the titan walking through the forest. What caught his attention was that, upon embarking, everything previously seen on the pilot's HUD was replaced only by what Ozpin could assume was the titan's HUD. He found it interesting that it appeared as if the pilot wasn't there at all. As if the two were neurally connected. He made a mental note to ask the pilot about it later. There were several things that Ozpin wanted to ask the pilot about. One of the questions he wanted to ask was why he was so war oriented. The boy looked as if he had come straight out of a battle. When he had been captured, they had removed his helmet to see his grimy and unclean face. Of course Ozpin knew this could have simply been from the encounter in Vale, but after what he had done to the tens of Atlas soldiers making an attempt to capture him, Ozpin saw the look in his eyes, as well as his composure, as that of someone who had seen much in his line of work. The titan was also a curiosity of his, figuring that no one would build a machine that well equipped for nothing.

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