The Coming Storm

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This was interesting. I wrote over half the chapter after pulling an all-nighter. Let me know how coherent it isn't. XD  

     Bang! Another beowolf hit the dirt, its external skull finally penetrated by the high impact rounds of the Wingman. (Y/N) turned, aiming the gun at another target before quickly pulling the trigger twice, the second round piercing the eye and bringing it to the ground before it slowly disintegrated like the many Grimm before it.

     Holstering the near-empty revolver, (Y/N) dropped to a knee before pulling the Flatline from his back. He opened fire on additional, smaller Grimm as they charged for him. The rifle bullets tore through their marks, killing another several of the monsters. An Ursa suddenly broke through the trees to (Y/N)'s left. The pilot gave the creature nothing more than a sideways glance before returning to his previous distraction. Not a moment later, a great 'thud' was heard as a large metal foot crushed the bear-like Grimm into the ground.

     "Creep on your six, pilot," Osiris warned. (Y/N)'s smile widened as another idea found its way to him. His knees bent as he slung the Flatline over his shoulders. Hearing the Creep's steps pounding the earth behind him, (Y/N) jumped and turned in the air, grabbing the Grimm's horn as it ran beneath him and pulled himself onto it. From his new riding position, (Y/N) reeled back his left arm, lowered his hand, and clenched the muscle. A metal click sound emitted from the bracer before an 18-inch blade deployed. The pilot aimed down before driving the sharpened weapon in between two armored plates in the Creep's neck.  

     A snarl brought (Y/N)'s attention to another beowolf behind him. He made up his mind in the split second he was given before it pounced and took action. As the beowolf jumped, he pushed up, placing his feet on the Creep's neck and pushed off into a horizontal spin. The wolf-like Grimm's attack fell short putting it just under (Y/N) who, as he spun, cleaved the wolf's head from its shoulders.  

     "I think that's the first time I've nailed that today!" The pilot silently cheered as he rolled upon hitting the ground. Another challenging Grimm attempted to approach but was given no chance. Clenching the muscle in his right arm, a second blade deployed which was quickly utilized to stab the beowolf's right arm. From there, (Y/N) dragged the arm and the Grimm with it over him as he ducked, turning away from it and clenching the muscle in his left arm once more. The blade retracted into the bracer before redeploying from the opposite side. With the beowolf now being pulled toward him, it had no time to react as (Y/N) drove the now elbow mounted blade into its chest. 

     As the Grimm disappeared, the space ahead was revealed. No moment was spared as more beasts poured out from the trees. Several Creeps, beowolfs, and another Ursa all sprinted at the pilot who had slaughtered their comrades. Or whatever an ally may be in the eyes of a Grimm. (Y/N) sunk into his stance, ready to take them on when a volley of tracking rockets flew over his head, each finding a target and blowing it straight to hell. 

     "I could have taken 'em." (Y/N) said as he looked back to his titan. Before it could respond, the surrounding trees were completely destroyed as a Deathstalker rushed into the fray. (Y/N) was unable to move in time but luckily never had to. The same large metal foot that had crushed the Ursa earlier stomped down onto the large scorpion's armored back before monstrous hands ripped the stinger from its tale and plunged it straight through the Grimm's head.  

     (Y/N) looked at the dissolving beast, then back to Osiris, then back to the beast. 

     "You are welcome, pilot," OS said before turning and walking off. 

     "Well shit." (Y/N) shook his head before running to catch up.

                                                                                                                                          * * *

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