Unnecessary Reinforcements

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Someone unfollowed me :( What did I do wrong?!? Welcome back! Volume two, chapter two! It'll be so nice when I catch this up to the show. It probably won't be until after volume six finishes. That's what I get for starting this so late.

     It was a bright day for the kingdom of Vale. The sun was out, cloud coverage was minimal, and Beacon academy was lively as ever. The students had the day off, and were doing whatever it was bored teens did when they weren't in school. One such student, however, was not so lively. (Y/N) sat in the school's work shop, clad in his pilot gear, working the day away. After asking for help from Ruby, (who had at first been reluctant based on his past uses of bullets, though she eventually came through) the pilot was able to start manufacturing dust rounds for his guns. The fist groups were for the smart pistol and Wingman, as they were the most commonly used.

     The first type was fire dust. Incendiary rounds would be the most effective against people and Grimm if needed on a whim. The second was lighting. With some help from the technology of a spare arc grenade, (Y/N) was on the road to creating EMP rounds. He still had no luck with his titan's ammo supply. He would need an industrial grade manufacturing facility for bullets as big as the 20mm the X0-16 used. It was too bad, considering his current mood. It was fine when he woke up, but when he woke up to an Atlesian air fleet on Beacon's doorstep, he was than thrilled. The men in white had yet to cause any trouble though, which was the way the pilot had hoped it would stay.

     Finishing another magazine of lightning ammo, (Y/N) received a call on his scroll. The call broadcasted straight into his helmet feed, so it required no such activation of the pocketed item. The call ID belonged to Headmaster Ozpin. Finally. The only one in this school that doesn't waste my time. He accepted the call. "Headmaster, you need me?"

"Yes; There is someone here who would like to speak with you. Please get here as soon as you can." (Y/N) closed up shop and began his quick walk to Ozpin's giant ass tower. The elevator ride was short, though the lack of windows disturbed him. Upon hitting the top floor, the pilot stepped out to an undesired sight. Sitting at his desk was the headmaster, and standing next to him was the prick himself, General Ironwood.

"Ah, (Y/N), glad you could make it." Ozpin said. I made an inaudible sigh.

"Someone wanted to speak with me, headmaster?" He started, though deep down he already knew, and he didn't like it. Ozpin simply gestured to the man on his right. Much to the (h/c) boy's displeasure.

"Hello, (Y/N). It has certainly been a while since we last... spoke." Ironwood started.

"Yeah. Albeit almost as long as it took you to get over the fact that you couldn't take my partner." (Y/N) sighed. "I've known the nice guy approach for a long time, so could you just tell me what you want?" It took the general a second to get over the shock before he spoke.

"Uh-yes, there is. I know the way at which I first greeted you was... unfriendly. I'm sorry about that. I also know the regard to which I referred you and your robot friend seemed a bit... tyrannical, and I apologize for that too. But while were on that topic, I want to take this time to ask you personally, if you would be so kind as to lend me your... titan, so that we may use it to better-"

"No." The general sighed before waiting in silence for a moment.

"Well, at least I won't regret not asking." He said, his shoulders slumping for a second.

"Listen, I've got work to do, so if this is all you called me here to do, then I'll just-" (Y/N) started.

"No, that is not the only reason we called you here. Ironwood, if you will..." Ozpin said, looking at the general. Ironwood cleared his throat before speaking.

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