Trust Me

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Sorry if this feels rushed. I sorta felt that way. I know its a little redundant in places... If you agree, please say so. Either way, I hope you enjoy. 


     (Y/N) felt himself falling before he could see where he would land. He wouldn't have anyway, given that his gaze locked to the sky, focusing on all of the glowing ashes and embers that floated around him. After the initial descent, however, he decided it would be best to find a way to fall safely. Before he could even start turning, his back slammed hard into the ground. The ground, he realized, that had come much sooner than it should have.

     Ignoring the lack of air in his lungs, (Y/N) pushed himself up and looked around, noting the destruction that filled the immediate area. He froze the minute he looked behind him, the sight of the Wyvern that had terrorized the school not minutes before nearly stopping his heart. But no longer than a second later did he realize the Grimm had not moved an inch. He stood there in awe, but the stone dragon did not hold his attention long enough to make him forget what had just happened. (Y/N) looked away from the still beast, slowly walking himself forward to an edge that overlooked a great fall. He wasn't on the ground - this was Beacon Tower. And if the gears scattered about the wreckage were any indication, this had been Ozpin's office.

     The pilot gazed out over the academy, his eyes darting this way and that, searching for a sign he knew he would never find. Then his knees were suddenly no longer able to support him, so he dropped to them as his hands fell weakly to his sides. (Y/N)'s teeth snapped together and his eyes squeezed shut. He began to shake slowly while the fingers on his hands curled into fists. For what would not be the last time, he looked to the sky once more and screamed.

     It was not a brief or smooth noise, but a sound that ripped through his vocal cords with such pain and grief that perhaps even the Grimm still in the school could feel its violent reverberations.

     As the air in his lungs ran out, a movement to the right caught (Y/N)'s attention. His eyes followed the noise and widened when they saw what he'd heard. The pilot found a sudden will to stand, his legs pushing him up from the floor. What had been anguish seconds earlier was replaced by an unfathomable, seething rage.


     (Y/N) looked at her, writhing on the ground some distance away. He began stepping toward her, the thumping in his chest becoming noticeable again. The muscles in his body reciprocated the feeling of adrenaline coursing through them every inch closer to her he became. He didn't know what he was going to do to Cinder, but the part of his mind currently in control had but one intention. That intention was about to be made clear.

     Cinder struggled to stand. She didn't exactly know what had just happened. One minute, she was killing the "invincible girl," the next she was lying on the ground in unimaginable pain. Before she had time to think, she noticed the pair of legs in front of her face. She slowly looked up to the one those legs attached to and her face contorted in shock. Even had the maiden been able to speak, the hand that wrapped around her throat would have allowed not a sound to escape.

     (Y/N) stared blankly through his visor as he lifted her off the ground. The panic that filled Cinder's eyes as he looked into them removed any sense of caution he may have felt. The grip on her throat tightened before he threw her down and placed his boot where his hand had been. (Y/N) then stood there, watching as she struggled to take air into her lungs. He finally relented just before she lost consciousness and bent over to grab her face. Cinder felt herself leave the floor for the second time before a boot was driven into her chest.

     Cinder strained her weakened body in an effort to get her legs under her. She refused to allow this to happen. She, who had killed Ozpin and taken the powers of the Fall Maiden, would not be so easily humiliated. This was what she told herself as a fist flew into her cheek, knocking her back down. The maiden may have told herself something different when (Y/N) straddled her and punched her again. Then again, and again, each blow filled with more hatred than the last.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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