Operation: Defend the Fuck Out of This Base

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     I walked through the halls of Beacon, destination being my warehouse. The school day had just ended, and I had planned on making the most of what I had left. I still wasn't completely used to saying 'school' like it was a normal thing. 

     It was midday when I exited the building, if the sun still being high had any correlation. That was good, meant more time to plan. Apparently, there was going to be a White Fang rally of sorts tonight. Information that had been... lets just say squeezed, out of a White Fang the police had arrested. One of the officers commented on my interrogation methods as being too harsh. The only thing I'd consider harsh is... nothing. Even if that faunus had gone to the hospital afterwards. It was his fault though. No questions. One hundred percent his doing that got him sent off.

     Whatever the rally may be, I thought a little stealth insertion was in order. Just for the occasion, I had made a multitude of satchel charges, and something a little more explosive. Crowd control would be easy, especially when individuals in that crowd would become red paste in at most, two seconds. But all in good time. 

     Suddenly, walking out of the school building, I felt my scroll ping as a small window appeared in the top left hand corner of my HUD. In that window was a picture of Ironwood, and a wave length monitor formed beneath it as the general began to speak. "(Y/N). I hope your day has been satisfactory, but I feel it's about to get a fair bit more exciting." He started. 

"You've got my full attention."

"Good. My spies have received word that the White Fang are mobilizing to attack one of Atlas's Paladin testing facilities. A good number of my troops are occupied, and building a counter offensive force will take too long. Or at the very least the same mount of time it will take you to arrive. I need you there now."

"I assume you have a ride ready..."

"Yes, I have an Atlesian drop ship en route to pick you up at your warehouse."

"I'll be ready." As the call ended, I broke off into a sprint, causing some of the students around to look at me confused. The run didn't take long, so I got there quick. Once inside my warehouse, I grabbed an assortment of equipment. Arc grenades, fragmentation grenades, fire and gravity stars, and finally, the satchel charges. It was then I grabbed my actual guns. The flatline, wingman, smart pistol, and for good luck, an SMR strapped to my back. 

     I soon heard the sound of the drop ship landing outside. "Good luck, pilot." OS said behind me, though I had no time to respond. The small craft was slowly lowering toward the ground when I ran out and boost jumped straight into the back. "LETS GO!" I yelled, moving up to the double cockpit. The pilots looked back in shock, not expecting to see me yet, but they quickly recovered and brought the ship into the air before shooting us off to the north.

     I was the only passenger on this one way flight, making the ride quiet, though weather or not it was comfortable was still up in the air. It was an hour in when I received another call from Ironwood. "(Y/N), how are you making?"

"An hour in; over the ocean now."

"Good, the enemy hasn't moved yet, but the size of the of the force they prepared is multiple times the size we first anticipated, so we have to be careful here. I'm still trying to create a counter offensive, but the counsel is being... difficult. You may be the only reinforcement they get. I promised the commanding officer of that facility a game changer, so I hope you know what it is you're doing." 

"Don't insult me, Ironwood. The title of 'Pilot' isn't just handed out."

"What exactly is a pilot?" He asked. 

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